"The World Hates Me"

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The following day school started slightly later, as Chemistry had been unexpectedly cancelled.

Which resulted in Sherlock staying in bed, and Loki roaming the house. He'd already woken up early so Miss Hudson wouldn't have to wake him, and didn't feel like going to sleep again. He cleaned himself up in the bathroom, making use of the time he had by taking a lengthy shower and cleaning out his hair properly.

When he was fully dressed, he brushed his hair out under the mirror. Usually, he would just magically dry it and fix it up, but he was having increasingly much trouble using his abilities, and didn't want to waste energy on unnecessary things.

Loki squinted at the mirror. He could've sworn that his hair had gotten even shorter, but that was impossible. He shook off the thought. It probably looked shorter because it was wet.

Either way, he gave up trying to neaten his hair, and decided it'd have to dry by itself. He strode outside with an almost frustrated feel to his steps, of which even the echoes sounded hollow and angry.

He stepped into the garden, letting the early morning wind attack his face. His shirt flapped in the breeze, and Loki had to half-close his eyes to see through the force of the biting wind.

"HEIMDALL!" he shouted at the white puffs of cloud, not really expecting an answer.



Still nothing.

He sighed.

"I suppose you're of no use to me either. I thought as much."


"WHERE IS HE!?!?" Thor demanded, shaking Heimdall roughly.

"Thor," Frigga whispered calmly, "he doesn't know."

"He's Heimdall," Thor protested, "isn't he supposed to know everything? I need my brother back, before he tries to blow up another planet!"

"Loki knows how to hide himself from me," Heimdall replied, rubbing his neck where Thor had almost choked him earlier, "if he doesn't want to be found, we can't find him. And besides, until the sword is found..."


The sound was faint, but loud enough for them all to be able to pinpoint where it was coming from. Thor turned his eyes to the pedestal in the middle of the Bifrost, which seemed bare without its sword.

"Loki!" he exclaimed, "See, he's not hiding!"

"We'll need the sword," Heimdall replied, and Thor's excitement disappeared as quickly as it had come.


"We'll find you Loki, I promise," Thor whispered.

A soft sigh carried through the pedestal, and for a moment is seemed as if Loki had heard them.

"Well, I suppose you're of no use to me either. I thought as much."

Thor turned away, and Frigga closed her eyes, biting her lip.

"I promise," Thor added under his breath.


Sherlock sat up in bed when his phone started ringing.

He groaned, ready to dismiss the call when he saw the name at the top of the screen.

John H. Watson

He picked up the phone quickly, accepting the call.

"You have reached my voicemail," he heard his own voice say, "that's because I never answer calls, just text you moron. If you must, leave a message after the beep."

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