The Sisterly Entity

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If you get the title's reference you're awesome ;-)


Mary jogged up to Sherlock in the passage, matching her pace to his.

"Hi Sherlock, can you do me a fa—"

"We are not shipping Loki and Darcy."


"Wasn't that what you were going to ask?"

"It was, but why WOULDN'T you ship them? They're so cute together!

"'Cute'?" Sherlock repeated, raising an eyebrow, "a maniac from an alternate universe and a rocket scientist to be?"

"Yes! It's TaserTricks!"

"Sorry Mary, I have other things on my mind. Loki's been doing some research and we might have a way to get back to our universe."

"You mean fix the memory thing?" Mary asked.

"Ummm... yes," Sherlock lied, "except we'd consequently forget everything that happened after we lost our memories."

"So you'd be trading your newer memories in for your old ones? Cool!"

Sherlock stared at her blankly.

"Yes... cool."

He turned away, muttering something about 'normal people's brains.'

"Mary, have you seen Clint?" Loki asked, striding up her with Bucky on his heels, the latter gripping a sketchbook.

"I can't say I have," Mary muttered, "not recently, anyway. Have you tried the broom cupboard downstairs?"

"I'll go take a look," Loki grinned, gesturing for Bucky to keep up.

"Don't forget to come back when the bell rings!" Mary yelled after him.

"It won't ring for another four minutes," Sherlock answered coolly, "with those long legs, he'll be back long before then."

Mary laughed.

Irene came up on the other side of Sherlock, also matching her strides to his.

"Sherlock, I was wondering if I could have a word with you?"

Sherlock glanced at Mary.

"Were you done?"

"Yes yes!" Mary grinned, "go ahead, Irene. I'll go keep an eye on WinterFrost."

She turned and dashed after Loki and Bucky quickly, and Sherlock frowned.

"What on earth was that? I didn't chase her away, did I?"

Irene shrugged.

"She's Mary, who knows what's going through her head. What I was going to ask was — have you seen Darcy?"

"Mary asked you too?"

"Asked me what?"

"Oh nevermind."

Irene raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me."

Sherlock sighed.

"Mary is going around 'shipping' people. She's got Loki planned with Darcy, and apparently she's recruiting people to help her make it happen."

"Who do you think she ships you with?" 

"Knowing Mary," Sherlock raised his eyes to the ceiling, "I would say the Solar System."

"Well then," Irene laughed, "you might want to get that 'rocket scientist to be' to build you a rocket so long."

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