How To Drive Your Chaotic Neutral Sibling Crazy

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They spent considerable time just staring at their notes, Sherlock deep in his Mind Palace, searching for John, while Loki was attempting to build a Mind Palace of his own, based on their palace at Asgard.

Eventually Sherlock spoke.

"That Eurus and Helena that Anthony mentioned," he asked, staring straight ahead with his fingertips pressed to his temples, as if it would heighten his concentration, "do you know them?"

Loki opened his eyes.

"What?" he asked, and for a moment Sherlock wondered if it was subtle payback for his own distracted attitude of earlier that morning.

"Eurus and Helena," he repeated, "Anthony mentioned them."

"Tony," Loki corrected, "nobody calls him Anthony."

"Whatever. Do you know them?"

Loki shut his eyes again for a moment, and Sherlock waited for an answer.

"Well," Loki spoke, "I haven't seen them, and their names don't sound familiar. However, maybe I'd recognize them on sight."

Sherlock nodded slowly.

"I suppose there are always a few unsolved characters," he mused, "like that Rhodes guy."

"I've thought about that, and I think maybe he was a friend of Tony's," Loki replied, "I've heard about him vaguely from Clint, back in the days of New York, but he didn't give too much details because Rhodes was one of the people who wasn't classified as a threat."

Names names names. Who's Clint? I'm pretty sure he was mentioned earlier...

"Then there's that other gym teacher," Loki went on, "Petero Maximoff or something. Him I really don't know."

More names...

"And Banner?" Sherlock asked.

"Him I do know," Loki answered, "unfortunately. But I don't know his assistant..."

"Molly Hooper," Sherlock cut in, "I know her. She works at the morgue."

"The morgue, huh?" Loki smirked, "Must be a place you visit often. I'm sure that's an interesting relationship you two have."

Sherlock frowned.

"We don't have any kind of relationship. She lets me inspect the bodies, that's all."

Loki raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sure she thinks the same way about it."

"Yes, I'm sure she does," Sherlock replied curtly, desperate to change the topic, "now let me concentrate. If we can identify almost everyone, then who are this Eurus and Helena?"

Loki shrugged.

"We still haven't identified Maximoff either. They could just be people we've only met vaguely. Or..." he paused, as if doubting his own theory, "or people we just haven't met yet in our own universe."

Sherlock dropped his hands to his lap as he tried to grasp what Loki was suggesting.

"You mean..."

"I mean that maybe anyone we don't know here is simply someone we're yet to meet. We could make use of that, actually. Study them here, learn their habits, and know exactly how to handle them when we do meet them."

"In theory it sounds like a masterplan," Sherlock nodded, instantly searching out weak points, "but remember that things are slightly different in this universe, so you'd have to double check all your facts. You can't take anything for granted, not even things you thought you knew about yourself."

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