An Apple A Day...

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Sherlock and Loki stayed away from the guests for the rest of the evening, locking themselves up in their room. Loki explained roughly what Laufey had told him, managing to keep his voice almost completely void of emotion.

They went to bed early-ish, and slept relatively well. That didn't stop Loki from waking up at six in the morning to go outside.

He sat down, cross-legged, on the dew-covered grass.

"HEIMDALL!" he shouted to the sky, "I know you can't bring me back, but I've been informed that you can hear me."

He paused, as if expecting an answer, but none came.

"I need your help," he whispered, "you need to find a way to get to Jotunheim from Asgard without the Bifrost."

"If you can hear me... start looking for one of those secret gateways. I'll need you soon, and I — however much I hate to admit it — will be counting on you."

"And if you find the sword... Bring me back. Please."

He fell silent.

"By the Norns," he muttered, "it was probably just a prank anyway."

He glanced once more at the clouds, seeing the sun go up slowly at the horizon.

And then he got up, and walked inside.


School would only start at ten, because the Geography teacher was on a trip to Paris with one of the younger classes. So Loki wandered aimlessly through the passages after breakfast, until he ended up at Mycroft's office.

"Loki, not now. Just go do something!" Mycroft ordered, searching through all the paper's scattered on his desk.

"Like what?" Loki grumbled.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "why don't you go play Minecraft or something?"

Loki frowned.

"On your laptop..." Mycroft went on, glancing up before stuffing a whole pile of papers into his briefcase.

"I have a laptop?"

"YES!" Mycroft replied, closing the case, "it's probably under your bed."

Loki nodded.

"I'll go see if I can find it then."

"As long as you leave me alone," Mycroft grumbled under his breath, "I need to get back to MI6."


Sherlock was in their room, but he was deep in thought as always. Sif was frowning over a couple of Maths problems. Loki ignored them both, reaching under the bed and pulling out a smooth, thin laptop. He sat down on his bed with the laptop on his lap,  starting it up.

He stared for a moment at the white bar where he had to type in the password.

He typed in FrostGiant as a guess, and as expected the password was rejected.

With a sigh, he clicked on 'password hint'.

My nickname for you two ;-)


"How did he hack into my laptop?" Loki frowned, "he's not even in this universe!"

Sherlock didn't answer, and Loki rolled his eyes, typing SherLoki into the password bar.

Password accepted. Welcome, Reindeer Games.

"By Sleipnir..." Loki groaned.

He scanned the desktop, locating amongst others Minecraft, some sort of Chat Server-app, and a handful of standard things. He opened Safari, the default browser, and typed in 'the Avengers'.

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