HYDRA's Not The Only Brainwasher Out There

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Sherlock took a deep breath, turning up his collar before knocking on the door of the Principal's office.

"Come in," a gruff voice ordered, and Sherlock opened the door.

He saw Loki, sitting on a chair tipped insanely far backwards, with his long legs resting on the principal's desk.

And the Principal himself, clearly not pleased with Sherlock's presence.

"Oh, there you are!" Loki reacted, "great, then we don't have to go call you."

"What would we need to call him for?" the principal demanded.

"Well I'm not going alone," Loki answered, using his stating-the-obvious tone of voice.

"I wouldn't let you go alone, you're too dangerous," Fury answered.

"Where are you going?" Sherlock frowned.

"That's—" the principal began, but he was interrupted by Loki.

"To Heimdall, so he can tell us if he knows anything about Bifrosts."

 "—none of your business."

"And he's letting you?" Sherlock gestured to the principal.

"Fury? Yeah, he's cool. I once killed one of his agents, so he knows not to mess with me."

"Coulson is not dead," Fury rolled his eyes, "and I'm only excusing you because you're an even worse nuisance than the original Loki."

"I am the original Loki," Loki protested, "You're the one in an alternate universe."

"I'm surprised you even believe that," Sherlock answered, raising an eyebrow, "most people don't. Not that it isn't true, but..."

He ran his eyes over Fury's long coat, desk and office.

"Then again, you've clearly had interactions with... strange phenomena before. Tell me Fury, why did you have that wall re-plastered eighteen times?"

"I can answer that one," Loki interfered, "The Hulk. Is not. A hoax."

"First of all, you can stop shouting it off the rooftops, Loki. You're compromising your own safety and theirs. Our Loki should never knows these things, because he has the background information to jump to conclusions."

"Such as?"

"That's not important," Fury muttered, "But the thing is — certain triggers could... do things."

"Would you stop being so incredibly vague?" Loki snapped.

"He's been messing with memories," Sherlock answered calmly.

"What?" Loki enquired.

Fury frowned at Sherlock.

"No I haven't..." Fury began, and Loki turned his gaze to Fury. A steady, demanding gaze.

"I don't doubt him, he's a detective. Tell me why."

Fury sighed.

"It was your own fault, actually. We just chose not to fix it."

Sherlock raised an eyebrow at Loki questioningly, and Loki shrugged.

"What do you mean... my own fault?"

"Stark tech has risks to it. For whatever ridiculous reason, you — or other Loki, whatever — and Stark decided to test-run some machine. It didn't work, so Tony attached some SHIELD tech for the fun of it. The results sit in your class right now, with the exception of other you, who is halfway across an alternate universe, apparently. Honestly, you were easier to handle as a super-villain then as a kid."

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