Home Is Where They Don't Try To Kill You On Sight

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I finished Camp Nanowrimo!!! Here's an extra long chapter for y'all as a celebration, and just a heads-up: this is the last chapter(!!!), but there'll probably be a sequel if you guys'll read it. I might take some time off first though, my family is complaining that I spend too much time on the computer XD.



"So this is really it then?" Mycroft asked, "you're going back to 'your own universe'?"

Loki laughed.

"You still don't believe us, I see. Don't worry, I don't blame you at all."

Sif bit her lip.

"I don't know... you two are always trying to trick us. But this once, I get the impression that you're honestly telling the truth."

Loki stepped forwards, giving Sif a hug.

"You believe whatever you want to, I'm just going to make use of this moment to hug the girl that hates me in my own universe."

Sherlock laughed.

"I don't think you'll ever see her in the same light," he noted.

Loki pulled back, studying Sif.

"No, I don't think so," he smiled.

Loki stepped up to Bucky, shaking his hand.

"Are you really drawing the goodbye scene?" Loki enquired when he noted the pencil in Bucky's pocket.

"I needed one more drawing," Bucky shrugged, "for the finals. If I make it that far."

"I think you will," Loki grinned.

Sherlock gave Irene a goodbye kiss, and Mary a polite kiss on her hand.

"Be good, ladies," he grinned.

Mary smiled.

"You know I can't do that."

Loki turned to Mycroft and Sif once more.

"Goodbye Sif. Goodbye, Mycroft."

Mycroft smiled.

"So you finally got my name right. I'm starting to realize what Lestrade feels like with Sherlock around..."

Sherlock laughed.

"Goodbye brother. Take care of other me for me. And Sif — it was a pleasure meeting you."

Heimdall handed Loki the Casket.

"Are you ready?" he enquired, and Loki nodded.

"Wanda?" he asked, and Wanda stepped forwards to give him her necklace.

"Say hello to me if you come across me in my own universe," she said, and Loki grinned. 

"I'll see when the time comes. Sherlock, are you ready?"

Sherlock nodded, and he took ahold of Loki's hands, which were slowly turning blue as Loki held the Casket.

"Are you sure this won't hurt him?" Loki asked Heimdall for the billionth time, and Heimdall nodded patiently.

"It's a complex equation, but because of the—"

"As long as you're sure, I don't need the math," Sherlock interrupted, "as intriguing as it seems. Loki, whenever you're ready."

Loki nodded, taking Wanda's necklace and pressing it into the imprint.

The Casket lit up in a million shades of blue, everything from turquoise to sky blue to the deepest dark blue.

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