The Shipping Queen

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They left for school after breakfast, travelling in silence. They were slightly early, so they took their time trudging up the stairs to the Maths class.

Sif, being older, went to a different school, so it was only Loki and Sherlock. The halls were still relatively empty, and they were both too deep in thought for shallow conversation.

"Loki!" Mary hissed, grabbing a surprised Loki by his sleeve and dragging him away from Sherlock. The detective didn't seem to notice, walking on to room 333 — Maths class.

"What in the name of the Bifrost do you think you're doing?" Loki hissed back, regaining his balance and ripping his sleeve out of her grasp.

"Sorry," Mary answered, "I just wanted to ask you something."

"And you couldn't ask normally, like a civilised person?" Loki demanded.

"Look who's talking," Mary smirked.

Loki raised his eyes to the ceiling.

"If you've dragged me away just to squabble, I'll be off again."

"Okay, I'm sorry," Mary apologised quickly, "but I just wanted to recap on the plan."

"Another plan?" Loki growled, "this doesn't happen to be the plan Irene was talking about?"

"I should hope not," Mary snorted, "because it was supposed to be a secret."

Loki sighed.

"Why does other me have so many plans I don't know about?"

"Good question," Mary smiled, "but you are the sort of person that would have at least ten backup plans, of which seven will never be used."

"What's your plan?"

"Well," Mary glanced around, ensuring that Sherlock was out of earshot, "we were going to trick Irene and Sherlock into falling in love."

Loki blinked.

"Do we really need a plan for that? Sherlock already likes her anyway."

"That's the thing. I think Irene likes Sherlock too, but she'll never admit it. So..."

"'re planning to trick them into actually saying it." Loki finished, studying the girl in a new perspective.

"Mary Watson, the shipper girl," he muttered.

"More than you think," she smirked, whispering something along the lines of tasertricks under her breath.

"What's the shipname for Irene and Sherlock?" Loki asked.

"Adlock," Mary replied promptly, "or Sherene, but Adlock sounds better."

Loki nodded.

"So what exactly was our plan?"

"Well," Mary smirked, "roughly, you would set up contact with Irene and I would with Sherlock. Maybe that's what your plans with Irene were about. Then we'd eventually just go to a coffee shop, you with Irene and me with Sherlock. Not as a date, but to study or something. And then you and I would pretend we didn't know the other was coming as well, and then the four of us would sit at one big table. Then the two of us would leave — we'll come up with an excuse somehow — which would leave Sherlock and Irene alone at the table while we spy on them disguised as waiters."

Loki blinked again.

"That's... you spent a lot of time planning that, didn't you?"

Mary shrugged.

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