The Shawaffee Shop Finale

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Loki glanced at Mary nervously, and she looked back, doing a subtle thumbs-up.

"Hey, there's Mary and Sherlock, let's go sit with them," Loki suggested, pointing out the duo to Irene while seemingly keeping his calm.

"I'm pretty sure you planned this whole thing out, and it's all a setup, but suuuuuure..." Irene replied, "Bucky's at that table behind us, and Haymitch over to the left at the table with the unnecessarily romantic setting. Have you written out the speech Sherlock will be reading at your funeral yet?"

"It's all ready," Loki smirked, tapping his hand against his laptop, which he was still carrying under his arm.

They slid into the seats at Mary and Sherlock's table, Irene opposite Sherlock and Loki opposite Mary.

"Oh, hi Irene," Sherlock greeted, "it seems like our whole class has decided to come to the Shawaffee Shop today."

He gestured to Tony and Anderson, sitting in a corner at the far end of the shop with Sam Wilson. 

"Who invited them?" Loki frowned to himself, only to see Wanda smiling a know-it-all look at him.

"Nevermind," he muttered in exasperation, "I think I already know."

"You guys order something so long," Mary suggested, "I'm going to the restroom quickly. Don't wait for me!"

She looked pointedly at Loki, who nodded.

"Right, go ahead. Sherlock, any idea what you want to eat?"

"I... I think I'll just go with whatever you're having."


"Well, some shawarma sounds nice. It is the Shawaffee Shop, after all."

Loki grinned.

"Got it. I think Haymitch is calling me, after that I'll go see if I can find a waiter."

He got up and discreetly walked over to Haymitch's table.

Sherlock laughed.

"What are those two doing? What with the amount of subtle gesturing going on between Mary and Loki..."

"You'd think they were planning something," Irene mused, "I thought they were setting me up on a date with Haymitch first."

She gestured to the table Haymitch was sitting at, talking with Loki.

"...but there's no way they would've gotten me to that table."

Sherlock grinned.

"You and Haymitch? That would be interesting."

Loki glanced over his shoulder to see Irene and Sherlock deep in conversation, and smiled.

"Okay Haymitch, I have a plan that'll get Mary at this table. She doesn't know it's a date, she'll be here to keep an eye on Sherlock and Irene, it's up to you to make it something special."

Haymitch nodded nervously.

"Right. I'll get her over here, and then I'll probably go sit..." Loki ran his eyes over the available space, which wasn't much, "...there by Wanda, or something. If you need anything, just let me know."

Haymitch nodded again.

Loki grinned.

"Good luck buddy."

He straightened himself out — he'd needed to bend over to get decent eye contact with Haymitch — and walked over to the other side of the Shop, where Mary was waiting for him.

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