Chapter 4

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A/N hey hit me up with suggestions about the story, like things you want to happen and stuff. I have a few ideas already and im excited to write them so yeah.

Third POV

Peter swung into a alley near his old apartment, and decided to settle there for the night. He hid behind the dumpster and used his backpack as a pillow. He put his sweatshirt and sweatpants over his suit and left his mask on. He is a light sleeper so he will wake up if someone is coming near him.

Peter laid down for a few minutes just looking at the stars. He knew tomorrow was Monday, so he decided he will go to school. His phone was an I-phone and Tony never messed with it so he knew Tony couldn't track him. He put an alarm on and drifted into a light sleep.

Tony flew to where FRIDAY said Peter was, but he couldn't find him. He looked at the exact location and found a small chip on the ground. "Fuck me."

Tony figured that Peter took out the tracker then ran off to a location farther away. Tony was pissed, but also nervous. The boy can be anywhere, possibly alone.

Tony called Peter for the thousandth time, only for it to be ended by Karen. Tony flew back to the Tower to find a way to track Peter.


Peter woke up at 5 in the morning from a nightmare. He figured that he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep so he decided to get up.

He webbed around for a few minutes trying to fully wake up. He felt a small pain in the back of his head, so he turned around and went towards where his spidey-sense was taking him.

It turned out to be a robber trying to take a young woman's purse. Peter quietly landed behind the man.

"Excuse me sir, stealing is not nice" Peter said as if he was talking to a toddler.

The man jumped and pointed a gun towards Peter. Peter acted shocked, as if he never seen a gun before.

"Oh my my, how dare you aim your pistol at your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!"

Peter webbed the gun and pulled it towards him. He then webbed the guy onto the wall and gave the woman her purse back.

The woman smiled at him and walked away after thanking him. Look at that Aunt May, I protected that woman!

Peter looked at the clock and it was 30 minutes till the first bell.

Peter sprinted to the school, stopping in an alley to change. He arrived with 10 minutes to the bell. He walked to his locker to find Ned and MJ, the two people he trusted the most.

"Hey-o peoples!" Peter greeted them with a small laugh.

"Hey Peter! How's it going?" Ned asked.

"Its going well, you know. Anyway, ready for science and math!" Peter said with a smile. Math and science were the only classes all three of the friends had together, also they were Peter's favorite subjects.

The three friend's conversation ended with Flash walking up and shoving Peter into the lockers. "Hey Penis Parker!"

Peter really wasn't having it today. "Oh look its Flash, or Eugene I might say."

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