Chapter 34

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"You better start explaining right now." Tony crossed his arms.

Peter took a breathe in. "Okay, so after you took my suit, I was like 'Whelp, that's cool'. And I just went to school and focused on that. Then I ran into Liz in the hallway and asked her to homecoming. She said yes and I was like 'Score!' Anyway, I went to her house and knocked. Then, of fucking course her dad answers the door. And of course it was Adrian Toomes. And I was like 'holy shit'. He didn't know who I was but I knew him so I didn't really know what to do. Now looking back on it, I was obviously panicking. But he offered to drive us to the school and Liz talked about Washington and-" Peter got cut off.

"Wait, what happened in Washington?" Bucky interrupted.

"Oh, a alien bomb thingy blew up in the Washington monument and I had to climb it and save my friends."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Continue." Tony got him back on track.

"Right, so she mentioned that I wasn't actually there and Toomes put two and two together and figured out I was Spider-Man. Then he threatened me and said like 'Don't come after me bro or I'll blow you to pieces' and I was like 'I can deal with that' and went after him."

"You left your date?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, I still feel bad for that but I had to stop the Vulture so I did that. She would probably understand if she knew and if it wasn't her father but. Anyway, so I left and then his little electricity friend was waiting and hit me and knocked off my web-shooters then hit me through a bus. But Ned stopped him and so I got my web-shooters and then Ned is like the smartest person ever so I told him to track my phone."

"Smartest person ever, huh?" Clint raised an eyebrow.

Peter looked at him and smiled. "Yeah dude! He hacked into my suit and traced my phone and it was so sick!"

Clint laughed which just made Peter confused. "Okayyy, anyway! So then I stole Flash's car and followed my phone to a warehouse. On the way there I figured out he was trying to hijack the plane so I was like panicking right? So I went into the warehouse and then confronted Toomes. He sent his suit out later and I thought he was trying to hit me but he was going for these pillars or whatever and he knocked the roof down and left, so the roof fell on me. And I panicked again but lifted it after I remembered what you.." Peter gestured towards Tony. "told me. And yeah, then I crashed the plane and stopped him."

Everyone was silent, trying to process what the teen just told them.

Natasha soon broke the silence. "Jesus kid. Rough life."

Peter laughed. "Yeah."

"What did Tony say?" Sam asked.

"He said 'if you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it'."

"I'm sorry Peter." Tony looked down at his feet.

"What? What are you sorry for?" Peter looked at him skeptically.

Tony met his gaze. "I took your suit and put you in danger. If you had the suit, you would of been safer."

"No, if I had the suit, I would have depended on it. There's probably gonna be a time where I won't have the suit, but now I know I can still do anything without it. If you didn't take my suit, I would be screwed if something like that happens."

"It's still my fault." Tony looked down again.

"Yeah, it is." Peter responded, and Tony looked up at him again. "It's your fault I learned a lesson. I learned that I am Spider-Man, not the suit. So, thank you." Peter smiled. Tony returned the smile.

"Okay, now that the sappy stuff is over, can we like, I don't know, watch a movie or something?" Clint moved to the couch.

"Oh! Can we watch the new Jurassic World? I've been meaning to watch it for like a month!" Peter bounced on his heels.

"Sure kid." Tony placed his hand on Peter's shoulder and led him to the couch.

FRIDAY put the movie on as everyone else followed them to the living room. The lights were dimmed and the blinds were shut, as it was only 1 in the afternoon.

The movie began, and everyone was laying on top of each other, watching intently. Peter had his head on Tony's lap, and his legs in Natasha's lap. Natasha was leaning on Clint, who was laying on Sam. Sam had his feet on on Bucky, who also had Steve leaning on him.

If someone would come in, then would be very confused. The World's Mightiest Heroes were using each other as pillows. Why wouldn't someone be confused?

Surprisingly, this is a very common thing on movie night. This team used each other as support, and they trusted each other. They were a big, happy family.

The movie ended, and everyone loved it. "Man, that was a good movie." Natasha said as she stretched.

"Yeah, but I still don't understand how dinosaurs exist." Steve said, as he rubbed his chin.

"Steve, we've been over this. They don't, it's an alternate universe." Bucky answered.

"I mean, Brucie, Peter, and I could probably figure it out." Tony said while petting Peter's head.

Peter snorted. "You don't know shit about genetics. It would be all Bruce and me."

Tony gasped. "Yeah, try me!"

Peter sat up and spun to face Tony. "What bases are purines?"

"Easy, Adenine and Guanine." Tony sat up confidently.

"Okay, what are the pyrimidines?"

"Thymine and Cytosine. Come on, give me harder ones."

Bruce stepped in this time. "What are the bases for RNA?"

"Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. Still easy!"

Peter jumped off the couch. "HA! Wrong! RNA has Uracil. That was easy too!"

Tony rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Whatever, I could still help."

"Yeah, no. We aren't creating dinosaurs." Bruce said sternly.

"Buzzkill." Peter and Tony both whispered.

Peter laughed. "Okay, anyway. I'm gonna go out on patrol. It's only 4 so I'll be back at like, 6?"

"Okay, but I thought of your punishment."

Peter paled. "What is it?"

"You now have an earlier curfew for a month. Deal?"

"Deal. When is it?" Peter gained his color back. It could be worse.

"1 am." Tony answered.

"Aw, come on! 2."

"1. Final answer or no Spider-Man."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine. But I'm going now. I'll be back soon!" With that, he walked out.

Steve leaned over to Bucky. "I am so confused right now."

Bucky looked at him. "With the genetics or the father-son thing?"

"Father-son thing has been happening for like a year. The genetics."

"Same, dude."

Sam stood up and patted both of the soldiers on the shoulder. "The oldies aren't the only ones, don't worry."

A/N Okay, sorry for the wait. Schools been annoying so. This is basically a filler, but something will happen next chapter. Its not bad though. Hope you liked this though. Bye!

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