Chapter 6

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The elevator opened, and Tony was about to run out until he saw what was in front him.

Clint and Natasha were hanging from the ceiling, with webbing surrounding them. He saw a large dent in the wall to his right, with blood dripping down the wall. He looked at the center of the room.

Peter was laying on the bed, sleeping, and handcuffed with Vibranium.  Tony was pissed, to say the least. Peter was a kid, not even 16, yet he was strapped down to a table like an animal.

Tony looked around to find Bruce, and saw him helping Clint and Natasha down. "What the hell happened!?" Tony yelled in a pissy tone.

Bruce looked towards Tony, then turned back to Natasha to get her down from the ceiling. Once Nat was free from the webs, he turned back towards Tony. "Spiderboy woke up, probably from a nightmare, and attacked them," pointing towards Nat and Clint. "I was on the opposite side of the bed than Nat and Clint, and I guess he didn't see me. He started to break down, and passed out. I put him back on the bed, and went to help those two."

Tony was filled with shock. He looked around the room again, looking at all the damage. "The kid did ALL of these?"

"Yeah, and it hurt like hell." Clint replied, still hanging from the ceiling. Nat cut him from the ceiling, and he landed with a thump. "Ouch! Way to put a hurt man in more pain." Clint said rubbing his arm.

Tony ignored the three, and ran to Peter. "Why is he handcuffed? He's just a kid!"

"Tones, he attacked us! We don't know if he will do it again, even if it was just the drugs." Nat said trying to excuse their actions.

He looked at Nat, then back at Peter, noticing all the bruises and cuts that were covering his body. Tony took his focus off Peter after a few minutes, and looked at the dent. "Why is there a dent in the wall?"

"Peter throw Clint into the wall when Clint tried to calm him down."

"Yeah, that hurt like shi-"

"Language" Bucky and Steve came out of the elevator, and looked around. "What the hell happened?" Steve looked around in shock.

"Steve! You just said language!"

"It doesn't apply to me. But seriously, what happened?"

"Come upstairs with me, and let Tony be alone with the kid. I'll explain everything." Bruce said as he walked towards the elevator, with everyone else following behind him.

Tony sat down next to the kid, and looked over him again. "What happened to you kiddo?" Tony asked as if Peter could answer.

Tony brought his hand to his face, and just noticed the tears on his skin. He must have started to cry when he heard the scream.

Tony moved his hand to Peter's, and placed his head on the bed. "I'm sorry, kid. I'm sorry I couldn't help you." Tony cried on the boy's bed, and stayed like that for what seemed like hours, but was actually minutes before his lack of sleep caught up to him.

Peter woke up after 20 hours. His eyes were back to normal, and most of his bruises were faded. He looked to his right to find Tony, sleeping. He laid his head back down, and sighed. He tried to lift his arm to rub his eyes, but couldn't move them.

He looked down at his arms, and saw handcuffs. He sighed again. What did I do? Peter looked around the room, and saw a dent in the wall and webs everywhere. Oh damn. I must of done something horrible.

He heard a Ding! and looked over his shoulder to the elevator. Steve and Bucky walked in, and looked over at the boy. "Hey Peter, FRIDAY said you woke up."

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