Chapter 33

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The ride back to the Tower was quiet, with music playing in the background.

Peter couldn't lie, he really didn't want to tell the team what Flash had said. He doesn't want their pity.

Yeah, his parents and uncle died, then his aunt disowned him, then she died. The only explanation is Parker Luck. But Peter put that in the past.

He knows for a fact his parents and uncle will be proud. He knows Uncle Ben forgave him. He knows he is following Ben's advice.

Of course he has his regrets, like stepping up to the mugger, and telling his parents he loves them one more time. But, what's done is done, and he accepted that.

They arrived at the Tower, and got out of the car. Peter had a small smile on his face, even though he is suspended. What can he say? He's finally happy.

The elevator ride was pretty quick, and quiet. Tony said something about the team screaming, but Peter didn't care.

The door opened, and all the heads in the living room turned towards the noise.

The room was dead silent. Until everyone sitting down started to.. cheer?

Peter smiled softly and looked at Tony. Tony just looked plain confused. "Wow, this is so scary!" Peter laughed.

Tony glared at him. "Peter, watch it." Peter walked into the room and sat down next to Natasha and Bucky.

"Let's go Peter!" Natasha patted him on the back.

"Precious Peter no more!" Clint yelled. Peter smiled at both of them.

"Everyone! Everyone! Let's hear what happened!" Bucky quieted everyone down and looked at Peter, waiting for him to start talking.

Peter laughed. "Wow, okay. Let's see. Flash pissed me off and I punched him like boom. Obviously I didn't use my strength but it made him stumble. Apparently his brain isn't as fast as his name and he tried to fight me back but then he.."

"YOU FLIPPED OVER HIM AND THREW HIM ACROSS THE HALL!" Clint interrupted as he jumped off the couch.

Everyone just stared at Clint, confused. "No? Well, I thought it was a good guess. Whatever." Clint crossed his arms and plopped on the couch again. Everyone brought their attention back to Peter.

"Yeah, no. I'm not stupid. I didn't use my powers. But I dodged his punch then it was like pow-pow-pow, you're a little asshole, fuck you. Then a teacher came." Peter looked around the room at everyone.

"That's my boy!" Bucky slapped his back.

"Did he even touch you?" Bruce looked him up and down.

"Nah, he's slow. Wow, his name really doesn't fit him." Peter laughed at himself.

"HA! I get it Man of Spiders! Because Flash means fast and you are saying he is not fast! You are a funny one!" Thor boomed with laughter.

"Thanks Thor!" Peter couldn't help but smile bigger at the god.

"Ignore my brother. He ruins all the jokes by explaining them afterwards." Loki looked calm, but Peter could tell he was internally smiling at his brother.

"Ah, it's fine. Pretty funny not gonna lie." Peter laughed softly.

Peter gave them more details about the fight, and everyone congratulated him. That is, until Peter noticed Tony with his arms crossed at the door and Steve standing right next to him. Peter's eyes widened. "Oh shit. I'm fucked."

"One, language. Two, oh yes you are." Steve said as he walked towards Peter, with Tony right behind him.

Peter pulled his arms in front of him, trying to get them to stop. "WAIT!" Peter looked over in Clint's direction and winked. "It's time!"

Clint grew a smile as the two jumped up and ran down the hallway. A minute later, they returned with a chair and an American flag.

Peter placed the chair down facing the wall and then helped Clint place the flag on the wall.

Clint and Peter stood for a second looking at their work. At the same time, they looked at each other and said, "The shield!"

The two ran off again, and returned just as quick as they left, with the iconic shield.

Clint threw it at Steve as Peter pushed him to the chair. Steve was forced to sit down, facing the others.

Everyone was quiet, then burst with laughter. Well, everyone but Steve. Steve rolled his eyes.

"HA! LIKE THE PSA! I LOVE THIS!" Bucky screamed, laughing at his old friend.

"STOP! This is serious!" Steve yelled over everyone.

The laughter stopped abruptly. "Woah, that worked better than I thought." Steve paused for a minute. "Alright, Peter, fighting is bad and since you are stronger than many, even most of us, you can't go around starting fights. You ne-"

"Wait. I have a rea-" Peter interrupted.

"Let me finish. You need to be able to control yourself. Have thick skin. This job is hard, and if a teenager can get to you by calling you stupid or something then you aren't fit for this job. Okay?" Steve finished.

Peter was silent. Did Steve really think being called stupid would get this reaction out of him?

Steve took the silence as a reason to talk again. "And this.." Steve motioned around him. "Is absurd. Clint, you're grounded. And Peter, I expected better of you."

Peter glared at Steve, not able to find the words he wanted to say.

"Peter? Answer me." Steve pushed Peter to start talking.

"I- You- Are- Serious? I- What? Seriously? Tony?" Peter looked over at Tony, expecting him to explain to Steve what happened.

Tony shrugged. "Can't help you kid. What you did wasn't right, but I understand why you did it."

"Wha-What do you mean you can't help me?" Peter slightly tilted his head to the left.

"I get why you did it, but you still need to be punished. It wasn't the right thing to do."

"Punished?" Peter tilted his head to the side more.

"Wait, why do you understand why he did it? What did the guy say?" Both Peter and Steve were confused.

"Peter explain to Steve." Tony motioned to the captain.

Peter brought his attention to Steve again. "He talked about my parents and uncle and aunt and said it was my fault." Peter scoffed. "I still can't believe you thought so little of me that you thought I reacted to fighting after a kid called me 'stupid'."

"Oh, shoot. I'm sorry Peter. I didn't know." Steve apologized.

"Yeah, I know. It's fine." Peter brought his attention back to Tony. "So, what punishment?"

Tony thought for a moment. "I don't know. You're a superhero, so a regular punishment like locking in your room wouldn't do much. Maybe take your suit away?"

Peter's eyes widened. "Are you trying to kill me? Last time you did that a BUILDING was DROPPED on me!"

It was Tony's turn to be shocked. "A BUILDING WAS DROPPED ON YOU!?WHEN I TOOK YOUR SUIT?!"

Peter's eyes widened more, if that was even possible. "Oh shit. Did I not tell you that?"

Tony paled. "Wha- No!"

"Well, fuck me." Peter's got some 'splainin' to do.

A/N Not sure about this chapter. Kinda alot of stuff happening, with Steve basically saying Peter was weak and Tony being Tony. Probably was a better way to write this but im tired and i cant update for the next 2 days so. Sorry. Love you though.

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