Chapter 16

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"Who?" Steve asked, still not caught up with everything that happened in the last 70 years.

Tony stood silently, thinking. Natasha answered for him. "Obadiah Stane was Tony's old partner for Stark Industries. He wanted the company all to himself, so he tried to kill Tony, but Tony created his first suit. Stane then worked with a group in Iraq to build his own suit. He went to fight Tony, but Tony won. One thing though, I thought you killed him?" The last sentence was directed to Tony.

"So did I."

"Then why do you think he's behind this?" Steve asked, now caught up to speed.

"I destroyed the blueprints after I got back from Iraq. Only him and the Iraqi group knew the blueprints, but the group don't know their head from their asses." Tony responded while everyone else looked at Steve, waiting for him to say his legendary line.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Steve said, confused.

"Why didn't you say it?" Clint asked.

"Say what?"

"Language." Everyone's head was on the swivel, looking between Steve and Clint.

"I didn't say any curse words.." Steve was beyond confused now.

"No you little shi-"

"Language." Steve sheepishly smiled.

"You little fucker!" Clint ran towards Steve.

"Language." Steve stood still while Clint ran at him. Clint tried to tackle him, but tripped on something before he could get there.

"OWIE!" Clint whined, holding his foot. "Why is your shield there?"

"Because it can." Steve replied.

"Okay, enough. This is serious, we need to find him." Tony interrupted the silliness.

Everyone agreed, and they began to work on a plan to stop Stane.


"Sir" One of Stane's workers said. "We have a 2 hits on who Spider-Man could be."

Stane turned around, and looked at the man. "Who?"

"One is Luke Radar, 21 years old, living in Queens. The other is Peter Parker, 15 years old, living in Queens."

"Okay, thank you. It's most likely the Luke guy, Spider-Man seems young, but not teenager young. Come with me, let's check Luke first." Stane stood up, and waved, telling the agent to follow.

Stane and his agent, Harry Osborn, arrived at Luke's apartment. Harry knocked on the door.

Moments later, a man opened the door. "Hello?"

"Hello, we are here to.." Stane pulled out a pen-like object and pushed a button. Luke fell onto the floor, limp. Harry grabbed him and pulled him to the sofa.

"Now, check the rooms. Tell me if you find anything." Stane told Harry while looking at Luke. "Tell me, are you Spider-Man?"

Luke tried to shake his head, but couldn't move. "Oh, right. Forgot about that. Look at my left hand if you are, and right hand if you aren't."

Luke looked at his right hand. "Hmm, I don't believe you. Lie detector time." Stane smirked.

Stane attached all the monitors to Luke, and asked him again. "Are you Spider-Man?"

The paralysis wore off by now. "No." His eyes showed fear.

"Truth." The machine said.

Harry walked back into the room. "Found nothing, sir. Seems like he isn't Spider-Man."

Stane nodded, and put his earplugs back in. He flipped the pen around, and clicked the other button. Luke went back into paralysis. "This will last longer, about 10 hours. Just in case, you know?" Stane smirked.

Stane and Harry left Luke's apartment, and started to talk about Peter. "It must be him, right boss?" Harry asked.

"I think, Harry. Anyway, why do you want to find Spider-Man?" It dawned on Stane that he never asked Harry this.

"Well, you see, my father got very sick with a genetic disorder, and I'm probably gonna get it too. But if I get Spider-Man's blood, I might survive."

Stane smiled at the younger man. He felt as if Harry was related to him, either a son or a close nephew.

The two arrived at Peter's old house and knocked. They were surprised when a drunk woman opened the door.

"What do you want?" May asked as she drank some wine.

"Oh, uh, we are looked for Peter Parker." Stane said, still shocked over May's appearance.

"Oh, you mean like Spiderboy. Well, he's walking around with the man, uh, uh, what's his name?" May tapped her chin and thought. "Oh, Mr. Spark. That's it. Spark."

"You mean, Stark?" Harry asked.

"Yes. That's what I said." May glared at Harry, and he gulped.

Stane stared at Harry before rolling his eyes. "Do you know where we can find him now?"

"Oh, I don't know. I disowned him. He deserved it. Little asshole. But hey," May bumped hips with Harry. "If you two fellows find him, tell me. I want to give him a peace of mind." May handed Stane a business card with her number.

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

May closed the door and the two men walked away. "Harry, why are you scared of a drunk woman?"

"She was drunk? I thought she was insane."

"Well, probably. But have you never talked to a drunk person before?"

"Boss, I'm 16."

Stane gave him a questioning look. "16? Where are your parents."

"My dad killed my mom then he died from the disease."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry. Hated them anyways. If they weren't dead already, I would of killed them myself."

"Good boy." Stane ruffled Harry's hair.

The two walked back to Stane's car and got in. They drove back to their warehouse, figuring out times to grab Spider-Man and bring him to their base.

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