Chapter 7

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Bucky woke up in the medical bay, still laying next to Peter. He rubs is eyes and smiled at the smaller boy.

Bucky looked around for a clock but couldn't find one. "Oof, what time is it?"

"8:13 AM, sir."

Bucky jumped at the sudden noise, and fell off of the bed. Peter woke up to the sound of the crash, and looked over at Bucky, who was laying on the floor shocked. Bucky turned towards Pete. "I forgot about FRIDAY."

Peter laughed at the oldie, and rubbed his eyes. "I'm hungry."

"Oh shi-, shoot, I forgot you haven't eaten in 2 days. Let's go get some breakfast."

Peter got up and started to walk to the elevator until he was stopped. "Wait, Peter, I'm just letting you know that Tony cares so much about you. He stayed up every night trying to find you. When we found you, Steve and I needed to use force to get him off of you, probably more than we should have." Bucky laughs and Peter returns the gesture with a smile. "I know its hard to talk sometimes, but Tony is a good guy, and can help. He helped all the Avengers, sometimes without trying."

Peter walks up and hugs Bucky. "Thank you." Bucky hugs the boy back. "And I promise will talk to him." The two broke the hug and walked to the elevator.

Tony and Nat were sitting at the counter, and Tony was picking at his cereal. He had dark bags under his bloodshot eyes. Clint walks in, and tries to lighten the mood. "What do you call a cow with no legs?"

Clint smiles happily at the two, glancing between them waiting for an answer.

"Clint you said that joke 200 times in the last week, and it wasn't funny the first time you ever said it." Nat snaps at him.

"Party pooper." Clint crosses his arms and sits at the counter, far away from Nat.

Ding! Tony jumps up and looks at the elevator. Bucky and Peter walk out. Peter had a shy smile plastered on his face. Peter was nervous, about what happened, about meeting the other Avengers (properly), and most of all, talking to Tony.

The two walked into the kitchen, with everyone else watching them. Peter looked up at Bucky, and Barnes smiled and nodded.

Peter took a step forward and breathed out. Here goes nothing. "Hey," Peter began in a small voice. Great start Peter, way to not be awkward.

"I just want to say i'm sorry. Nat and Clint, Bucky told me what happened, and I'm sorry for attacking you guys and webbing you up." Peter looked at the two and waited for a response.

"Hey, it's okay kiddo. It wasn't you." Clint smiled at him and nodded, agreeing with what Natasha said.

Peter returned the smile and stepped in-front of Tony. "Tony, i'm sorry for leaving. May called me and said I was a-a bother, and I believed her. I-I should have talked to you about it instead of running away." Peter kept looking at the ground, scared to look at Tony.

He heard someone get up, and then felt someone hug him. He looked up to who was hugging him, which was Tony. "It's okay kid. I'm sorry too." Tony whispered to him. Tony's voice sounded weak, and Peter hugged him back. The two stayed like for a while, forgetting about breakfast until Peter's stomach growled as loud as the Hulk.

Tony laughed "I think someone might be hungry." The two finally pulled apart. "Can someone make waffles?" Peter said and grinned innocently at Bucky, who was a pretty good cook surprisingly. Peter learned that yesterday.

Bucky made waffles and served them to everyone. Steve came back from a run afterwards, and Bruce was working in the lab. Once everyone was done eating, they all moved to the couch. Nat looked at Peter, and asked what he wanted to do.


Everyone stood still for a moment, then chaos broke out.

"I call dog!"

"Tony, no! I'm the dog!" Clint whined.

Tony grabbed the dog and Clint started to chase him around the room.



Once everyone was calm, they began to play. Clint was the cat, and Tony was the dog. Clint glared at Tony every time Tony made a move.

Nat wanted to learn more about the boy, so asked if they wanted to play two truths and a lie. Everyone agreed.

"Who wants to go first?"

Everyone turned to Peter, and Peter giggled. "I guess me then."

Peter began to think, "Ummm, I like Legos, um, I didn't know how to swim until I was 7, and, oh! I can do a standing quadruple backflip!"

"Oh, that's easy! The second one!" Tony said quickly.

Everyone agreed but Steve. "There's no way you can do a quadruple backflip!"

"Bet." Peter smirked.

Peter stood up and walked a few feet away. He backflipped four times, and landed perfectly. Steve's face was priceless, and Peter fell to the ground laughing.

They keep playing monopoly and learning about about each other, until Clint fell asleep. Peter whispered into Tony's ear, and smirked. Tony chuckled and nodded. "Do it."

Peter stood up and walked towards Clint. He started to web Clint up and Clint woke up and screamed. Everyone laughed, except Clint, whose face was bright red. "Not again!" Clint whined.

They played monopoly for two more hours, then started to watch movies. It was a relaxing day. The Avengers didn't have any missions today, which was great.

Everyone but Tony and Peter fell asleep after 2 movies, and Peter looked up at Tony. "By the way, I went to school all week. Why didn't you check there?"

Tony facepalmed. "I forgot you go to school."

Peter laughed then continued to watch the movie while snuggling with Tony. He began to fall asleep. Tony looked down at the boy. "I love you." Tony said, thinking the boy was asleep.

Peter smiled, and fell into a dreamless sleep. Tony soon followed.

Bruce walked into the room to get food, and looked at the living room. He noticed Steve and Bucky on one couch, sleeping next to each other. Nat and Clint were in separate chairs, snuggled in blankets. He looked at the main couch, and saw Tony and Peter. Glad that they made up. Bruce walked out for a moment to get a snack.  "FRIDAY, take a picture. This is a moment to remember."

"On it, Brucey."

Bruce smiled, and ate his snack. Once he finished, he walked to where Nat was sleeping, and joined her on the chair. She woke up and tiredly smiled at Bruce. They both fell asleep again.

The team stayed like this until the morning, all having a great day.

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