Chapter 22

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"GUYS!" Tony yelled, flying towards the building.

The noise from the bomb shook Peter, Clint, and Nat up, but they recovered quickly. Clint shot a grappling arrow at a nearby building, and hung from the building. He tried to grab Nat on the way up, but missed her by a centimeter.


Peter's head still buzzed slightly from the explosion, but he ignored it and shot a web. He heard a yell and looked over, and saw Nat free-falling still. He quickly swung closer, and let go of the web to catch Nat. He caught her, and released another web. It was a race between the web and the fall to the ground.

Unfortunately, the ground came first.

Peter and Nat hit the ground hard, sending waves of pain through them. Peter took the most impact, as had hit the ground first and Nat landed on top of him. His vision went black, and he passed out.

Nat knew she had some injuries throughout her body, but also knew Peter had it worse. She rolled off of Peter and looked at him. "Peter, Peter, wake up." She shook him gently.

Tony flew as fast as he could to where Peter and Nat were laying. He stumbled to a stop and kneeled by Peter. "In-injuries?"

"Major concussion, broken arm, broken hip, sir. Bruises and cuts present across body."

Nat stared at the broken kid in front of her, heartbroken. Her injuries soon caught up with her and she grunted with pain. She pulled herself into a sitting position.

"Steve, g-get Peter and Nat to the Tower." Tony stood up and looked down at Peter. "You're gonna be fine. Everyone will." With that, he flew off into the building, ready to kill the man who harmed his friends and son.

As Tony disappeared into the building, Clint lowered himself to the ground. He was relatively fine, having only pain in his shoulder from being jerked upwards and a massive headache.

"Nat! Peter!" Clint sprinted over to them. "You alright, Nat?" He asked as he looked over Peter's body.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Peter's in worse condition." Nat couldn't stop staring at the boy who saved her live. "He saved us."

Clint moved over and sat by Nat, holding his shoulder. "Yeah, he did." Clint's eyesight became blurry from tears. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you. If I did, everyone would be fine."

Nat looked over at Clint. "No. Don't blame yourself. You tried, and you barely missed. And, we are all gonna be fine. We will laugh about this one day. It will all be fine." Nat leaned into Clint and wrapped her arm around his neck. "Everything's gonna be alright."

"I hope so." Clint hugged her as Steve came running into sight.

"What happened!?" Steve asked, panicked.

"Peter saved us." Nat said as Steve bent down next to Peter.

"This kid is way too selfless." Steve picked Peter up. "Clint, can you help Nat? She's got an nasty broken arm." Clint nodded and picked Nat up. They ran to the jet where the rest of the team were standing. Many questions were asked, but Steve shushed everyone. "Guys! We got Peter and Nat. Everyone else needs to help Tony, and make sure he doesn't kill anyone. The person who did this-" Steve gestured towards Peter, Clint, and Nat. "Deserves to spend the rest of his life in a cell." Everyone hesitated, but then nodded and sprinted out of the jet.

Tony searched through the building, trying to find Stane. He shot at agents running towards him, and kept walking. One voice caused him to stop in his tracks.

"He better be dead. That kid deserves nothing but death." May. Tony turned around, and saw May talking to an agent.

"What did you just say?" Tony asks, anger lacing his robotic voice.

"I said, I hope the kid is dead." May said in a calm voice, pissing Tony off more.

"That kid saves people! He saves everyone! He saved someone a minute ago and almost killed himself because of it!" Tony stepped towards May, causing her to step back in fear. "He deserves everything! He's been through hell! And then you, you little bitch. You kicked him out! You left him alone! He puts everyone before himself, and you take his home away in return." Tony stepped towards her, and stopped a meter in front of her. "He deserves everything, you are the one who deserves death."

May's face was filled with fear, but somehow, her voice remains calm. "The world would be so much better without you aliens." Tony lost it right there. He punched her, hard. She was sent flying to the wall behind her.

She laid lifeless against the floor. Shit, shit. What did I do? Peter doesn't want this. Shit. Tony panicked, and ran towards May. "Vitals, Fri"

"No heartbeat detected." Friday replied.

"What the fuck did I do?" Tony sat down next to the lifeless body. "I just killed Peter's last living relative."

Tony tried to gather himself together, and stood up. He trembled, but began to walk to the second floor. "Friday, where is Stane?"

"It appears that he is in room 257."

"Take me there." Tony flew to that room. As he flew in, he could see rumble from the explosion everywhere. He looked around, and finally saw Stane in the corner of the room.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Tony yelled at the man. As he approached the man, he heard sobs. He focused on Stane, and saw he was kneeled over a lifeless body.

"Pl-please wake up, Harry" Stane whimpered. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Who is that?" Tony's voice was filled with anger, but also confusion.

"Harry, kid, wake up please." Stane let out a sob. "I can't do this without you. Please." Stane begged.

"Fri, who is that?" Tony asked, with more confusion.

"That is Harry Osborn, age 18."

Tony glared at Stane. "You hurt my friends."

Stane looked up at Tony for the first time. He opened his mouth to spend, but Tony cut him off. "MY FRIENDS ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU ALMOST KILLED MY SON!" Tony took a deep breath. "You need to pay for what you've done."

"Please, let me be with my kid. Please, kill me." Stane begged. Tony aimed his repulser at Stane.

"I would, but killing isn't right. I already made that mistake today. I'm not making it again." Tony said as he looked up behind Stane, and saw Vision and Wanda. "Guys, take him to jail."

The two nodded, and went to tie Stane up. Tony kneeled next to Harry, and whispered in his ear. "You probably were a good kid, but just were following the wrong person. I'm sorry you died because of him." With that, Tony flew away.

Tears flowed down his cheeks as he worried about Peter. The moment he landed at the Tower, he took of the suit and ran towards the medical bay. He was filled with worry and pain, but also regret from killing Peter's aunt.

A/N okay, I'm not sure if this chapter made sense, so if it doesn't i might rewrite it. Not sure though.

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