I need help...

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Okay, so guys, I swear to god I have been looking for this fanfic for decades (okay maybe not decades but it's been a long time) and i cannot find it.

its about peter being depressed or something along that line and i believe its a 5+1 but im not sure.

All I can remember is something about peter being clumsy or slipping on a banana to make thor laugh in the first chapter. And the final chapter where the avengers face someone who can make you see your worst fear and pete is the only one not affected by them because his worst fear is waking up in the morning.

Its such a good fic and its tearing me apart because i looked everywhere for it and still cant find it.

On a different note, i literally cannot find the motivation to write another chapter but i swear im trying. I keep adding a paragraph or two and then i have to stop because i cant. But im trying, i swear. im so sorry.

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