Chapter 5

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A/N heyo let me know how you guys are liking this so far. and if you want more spiderman or more Peter or equal amounts of both. :)

Tony and the other 5 Avengers ran out of the Tower at supersonic speed. Well, most of them ran, Tony flew.

They went to where Peter was last spotted, and looked around. They didn't notice anything at first, but then Tony spotted the boy swinging after something.

Tony told the team he located Peter, and flew towards him, hoping he hasn't done anything stupid. As he got closer, he saw Peter chasing a butterfly. "Hey butterfly, do you want some buttttttter?"

Tony was nervous, hoping the kid was okay, but he was also angry. Like why would Peter do drugs or drink or something? Tony snatched Peter out of the air as the rest of the Avengers showed up.

Tony landed near the team, and placed Peter on the floor. He wanted to take off Peter's mask, but decided against it because they were on a popular street. "Hey guys!! What's poppin'? I'm just chilling, you know, strutting my stuff!" Peter says breaking the silence around them, following with a creepy laugh.

"Okay guys, lets take him back to the Tower before he can embarrass himself anymore." Tony says ignoring Peter.

" Hey! Look at me! Oh a tree. I'm really good at climbing trees. I like color too. And i'm really good at counti-" Peter begins to see black dots and falls to the floor.

"Come on guys! Lets go!" Tony quickly picks up the kid and flies back to the Tower while the rest of the team ran.


Back at the Tower

Tony places the kid on a bed in the medical wing as the rest of the team shows up. "How is he doing?" Bruce asks as he runs towards Tony and Peter, being in doctor mode.

Tony didn't answer, he just stared at Peter, scared that he isn't alive. Tony couldn't bear to check if he had a pulse, knowing he would break down if he was carrying his dead boy.

Bruce quickly jumped into action. He pulled off the boy's mask and checked if there was a pulse, and found that there was a faint one. "Get Tony out of here quickly."

The rest of Avengers stood there for a moment, staring at the spider in front of them. Bucky and Steve jumped out of their trance before Nat and Clint, and gently grabbed Tony to pull him back. "Let's go Tony, you need to let Bruce work." Steve whispered gently.

"No! He's my kid! I'm not leaving him! He's my kid! my kid." Tony whimpers, trying to hold back tears.

Tony grew close to Peter since the time he first met him, and grew worried while Peter was gone.

"Tony, he isn't going to get better with Bruce distracted. Let's go." Steve replies to Tony.

Tony knew Steve was right, but he also felt it was wrong to leave Peter. Tony turned around to face Steve and Bucky, and pushed them away. "No! I'm staying!" Tears began to fall out of Tony's eyes.

"Get him out! I can't focus!"

Steve grabbed onto Tony again, only this time with more strength. Steve pulled Tony away, which only caused more tears to fall out of Tony's eyes.

Steve and Bucky pulled Tony out of the medical wing, and took him to the elevator. Tony broke down on Steve's shoulder. "This is my fault! All my fault! I should have told him I cared, I really really care about him!" Steve hugged Tony, not knowing what else to do. He never seen Tony break down before, and this showed him he really did care.

The elevator dinged, and the three got out on the common floor. Steve and Bucky helped lead Tony to the couch. "It's going to be alright Tony, it's gonna be alright." Bucky reassured him. They all sat down, and waited in silence, with Tony's whimpers breaking it every so often.

Bruce guessed that Peter was drugged, and put an IV in to keep the boy hydrated. He knew it was a waiting game until Peter woke up, and stayed with him to make sure he doesn't stop breathing.

"Do you need us to do anything Bruce?" Natasha asked, being concerned about Peter.

The spies never met the boy before, but cared about him because of Tony.

"Um, can you check if there's anything on his face or arms. I think he took drugs, but I don't know what or how."

Clint checked his face as Nat checked his arms. They both couldn't find anything, so Clint went to Peter's mask and checked the inside. "Found something. White Powder."

"Okay good. Get a swab and run it in the system. Once I find out what it is I can treat him properly."

Clint and Natasha ran to the table after getting a swab, and ran it in the database.

"Cocaine Bruce."

"Oh kid, what did you do?" Peter's high metabolism will get rid of the drug faster, but will also make his high worse until the drug is completely gone.

Bruce sat down next to the boy, watching him closely. Nat and Clint sat farther away, talking to each other about what could have happened.

Peter stirred, then bolted up quickly. His pupils were large, you couldn't see any of the warm brown in his eyes. His eyes were also bloodshot, as if he didn't sleep for weeks. He looked around quickly, then screamed.

The scream was like bloody mary, and you could hear it from miles away. Tony sat up quickly, panicking and sprinted to the elevator. The door opened, and Tony was about to run out, but stopped right after he saw what was in-front of him.

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