Chapter 11

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A/N okay so i got my permit on friday the 13th so i don't know how to feel.

"Wh-what did you just say!?"

Everyone looked at Peter and laughed at his shocked expression. Peter looked around the room at everyone. "What did he just say?"

"We want you to join the Avengers." Nat answered Peter and smiled. Peter was the only one in the Tower that didn't annoy Tasha.

"Really? Are you serious!? That's so cool!" Peter ranted about how dope it is to be asked to join the Avengers, but then he realized something. "Wait, does this mean I can join in missions?"

Everyone glanced at each other, while smirking and ignoring Peter. Peter was confused. "Helloo?"

Everyone looked at him and smiled, creepily. Clint finally spoke up after a minute of creepiness. "Oh, it's not that easy. There will be tests to see if you are actually capable."

"Like what?" Peter was skeptical.

This time, Tony answered him. "Glad you asked. There will be speed tests, strength tests, agility tests, and the biggest test..." Tony paused for a minute. "It will start as a 1v1, then go to a 1v2, then 1v3, and continue until its you versus the rest of us."

Peter looked around the room to see who he would fight: Natasha, Clint, Tony, Bucky, Steve, Vision, Wanda, Pietro, Thor, Loki, and Bruce. Bruce probably won't fight. "1v10. That seems fair." Peter said, sarcastically.

"Oh, You won't win. It's just fun, you know, for everyone but you." Tony smiled at Peter.

Peter rolled his eyes, ready to prove him wrong. "What test is first?"

"Strength" Steve smiled, knowing that he will win.

Everyone was in the training room after finishing breakfast. There were weights that ranged from 10 pounds to 100 tons.

"Who goes first?" Bucky asked, stretching.

Steve stepped up, and laid on the bench. He tapped on the keypad and put in 3 tons. The weight changed to 6000 pounds, and Steve put his hands to the bar. He pulled the bar to his chest, and brought it back up. He stood up. "Ha, beat that!"

Others went and did the same thing as Steve, with different weights.

Natasha- 250 lbs

Clint-300 lbs

Bucky- 2 tons

Tony- 200 lbs (Without armor) 1500 lbs (With armor)

Bruce- 150 lbs (Wouldn't do it as Hulk)

Wanda- 130 lbs

Pietro- 180 lbs

Vision- 10 tons

Loki- 25 tons

Thor- 30 tons (He could do more, but was recovering from a fight in Asgard)

Peter was last, and was he ready. He knew he could at least carry 10 tons, but if he tried really hard, he could go up to 40 tons. So what did he do? He decided on 30.

Peter laid on the bench, and breathed out. He placed his hands on the bar, and looked over to the team. They all looked skeptical, and Peter grinned. He lifted the bar, which was difficult, and brought it down to his chest.

All of his muscles were burning, but he wanted to show everyone he was capable. With all his might, he lifted the 30 ton bar off his chest and fully extended his arms. He placed the bar back on the rack, and sat up.

Once he looked up, he could see shocked looks on everyone's faces.


"How did he..."

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