Chapter 30

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Peter woke up in his room, calmer than the day before. He sat up in his bed, and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't really remember anything that happened after he climbed through the window.

"Shit. I climbed through the window." Peter whispered to himself.


Peter jumped out of the bed and onto the ceiling. He looked around the room and saw Tony laying on the bed, laughing.

"Wha-What are you doing here?" Peter forgot about the whole window dilemma for a moment.

"I was in here the whole time?" Tony looked at Peter questionably.

"You were?" Peter dropped down to the bed and sat at the edge.

"Yeah. So what's up with the window?"

"Someone could of seen me." Peter said as if it was obvious.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Tony stood up and stretched. "No one saw your face. Probably."


"Yeah, probably. Don't worry about it. If they did, they didn't get a clear look."

Peter nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I guess."

"I'm always right."

"Yeah, sure." Peter laughed.

Tony looked offended. "Uh, excuse me!"

Peter laughed again. "Sorry."

Tony moved next to Peter and sat down. "How are you feeling?" (Dad-mode initiated).

"Huh? Oh, i'm feeling okay. Sorry about yesterday." Peter looked down at his feet.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about." Tony flung his arm over Peter's shoulders. "Also, it's like 5P.M, so it was today."

Peter looked over at the clock. "Oh, I have school tomorrow." Peter said, thinking out loud.

"Yeah, you do. Nice job." Tony laughed.

They both sat in silence for a minute. Peter didn't know what to do, and Tony didn't know how to bring up earlier.

"So, do you want to talk about it?" Tony asked.

"Uh, sure." Peter looked at his feet again.

"What do you want to talk about first?" Tony asked.

"What do you want to know?"

"Wow, okay. My choice, uh.." Tony thought for a moment. "What caused it?"

"Clint called me 'Petey-Boy'." Peter answered.

"Why did it cause it though?"

"Uh, my uncle and aunt used to call me that. It used be a happy thought for me, but once Aunt May did what, what she did, it just brought bad thoughts." Peter answered calmly.

"Okay, and what did you see?" Tony asked while pulling Peter closer.

"I was back at the warehouse with Stane, but it was different. Like, more people and things."

Tony nodded. "Did that ever happen before?"

Peter looked at him. "Like the memories or the like vision or whatever?"

"The seeing things part."

"Oh, no." Peter looked back down, embarrassed.

"Hey, hey. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. All of us understand." Tony reassured him.

"But did that happen to you guys?" Peter shuffled his feet.

"It happened to Natasha before. That's why she talked to you before." Tony explained.

Peter nodded. "Oh."

"So, have you had memories before?"

Peter nodded again. "Yeah, but they weren't bad. It would pass in like a second. But that thing earlier was like a nightmare when I was awake. That was scary." Peter admitted.

Tony hugged Peter tighter. "Yeah, I understand. Sometimes being a hero sucks, but the feeling you get when you save someone is so much better than all the bad things."

"Yeah, that's true. But I hope that thing doesn't happen again."

Tony nodded. "Yeah, but we now know what not to do, so that's good."

Peter nodded and silence took over. It was a nice silence, just soaking up the bonding time.

The silence was soon broken by a grumble. "Wow, kid. You wanna go get something to eat?"

Peter laughed. "Yeah, I think I might be hungry."

The two stood up and walked out of Peter's room, Tony's arm still around Peter. "I'm glad you are okay, kid."

"Me too, Tony."

Once they arrived at the kitchen, the whole room became silent. Peter blushed at everyone looking at him.

"Jeez, I'm okay guys." Peter looked around the room. "I'm fine now."

Clint was the first to walk up to him. "I'm sorry Peter. I didn't mean to cause that."

Peter looked up at him. "It's fine, Clint. I don't blame you, so don't blame yourself." Peter hugged Clint.

"Okay, i'm starving, so let's get food. Please." Peter said, still hugging Clint.

"Not so fast." Steve said, running up to Clint and Peter. He wrapped his arms around the two and hugged them.

Soon, everyone was in the giant hug. Sometimes, teams are family too. They have bad moments, but they also have great moments. They all were one big, happy, dysfunctional family. Also crazy.

Soon, the hug dispersed and everyone went to the table with smiles on their faces. Steve went to the stove to make his signature dish, mac and cheese.

It was for sure a crazy day, but at least it was a happy ending.

A/N okay so school started so im probably not updating as often but i will try to. Anyway, this is a shorter chapter, but i didn't really know what to do so. I hope you enjoyed it though.

ALSO im taking stony out of this. alot of people didn't like it and honestly neither do I, it just sort of happened. oops.

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