Chapter 13

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A/N The calm before the storm? I'm sorry in advance.

Peter has been apart of the Avengers for about a week, but the team has yet to announce it to the public.

The team were all in the common room, and were talking about the new member.

"So, Peter would you want to do a press conference to, you know, announce your membership?" Steve asked, looking at Peter.

"Do A PrESs CoFErEnCE To ANnoUCe yOuR mEMbERshIP? Jeez, Steve, he isn't joining a gym." Clint mocked.

"You have to apply to go to the gym?" Steve looked confused.

Peter laughed at Steve's confusion, while everyone just looked disappointed at their leader. "We tried to teach you everything, but you somehow forget the next day." Tony mumbled.

"Anyway, a press conference seems cool, but I don't want to show my identity. Just show up, answer some questions, then peace out." Peter finally answered Steve's question.

"Done deal, buckeroo." Tony looked at his watch and looked for an open date. Well, more of a day where he felt like doing a press conference. "Okay, February 24th seems good, right?"

Peter nodded, then realized Tony wasn't looking at him. "Sounds good, Mr. Stark."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Okay, let me tell Ms. Friday to tell the press."

"Sorry." Peter muttered quietly while messing with his hands.

Tony moved towards the boy and gave him a side hug. "Tony is fine, just no Mr. Stark." Tony imitated Peter.

"Or dad." Clint mentioned, trying to hid his giggles.

Dead silence followed. Everyone looked towards Peter and Tony, waiting to see how they reacted.

Peter's face turned bright red, and Tony gave Clint a death stare. Clint bursted into laughter, and was soon joined by everyone but Peter and Tony.

Peter, who fortunately had his web shooters on his wrists, shot at Clint and hung him from the ceiling.

"Thats unfair! You can't do that every-time I embarrass you!" Clint whined.

"Guess that's true." Peter said with a smirk.

"Wh-Why are you smirking?"

"No reason." Peter glared at Clint while he climbed the wall to the ceiling where Clint was.

Everyone knew what was about to happen, so they already started to laugh.

Peter cut the webbing from ceiling, and watched Clint free fall towards the couch.

Clint hit the couch, and rolled over onto his side. "We need better couches."


Press Conference

Tony and Peter were behind the stage, talking about what will probably happen. Tony will introduce Spider-Man, then Peter will announce why there is a press conference, then answer questions. Simple, right?

"Okay, that's my cue. You got this, kid." Tony patted Peter's shoulder, and walked in front of the stage. Peter could hear the cheers from the other side.

"Welcome! Welcome! Now, to your surprise, this press conference isn't about me. Well, actually it kind of is, but not really. Anyway, I have the privilege to announce a very important person to the Avengers! Come out here, Underoos!"

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