Chapter 8

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Peter has been at the Tower for a week now, and has gotten closer to everyone. He still is most comfortable with Tony and Bucky, but can have a lengthy conversation with everyone else.

Three days ago, Vision and Wanda showed up as well as Wanda's brother, Pierto. Peter got to know them also. Tony said that Thor was coming soon, after he figured out something about Asgard.

Peter hasn't been to school the past week, because Tony wanted to make sure that he didn't run off again. Tony also didn't let him go outside and be Spiderman.

Peter didn't like that very much, but agreed because he saw where Tony was coming from.

Today, Peter woke up at 5 from a nightmare. He still didn't let anyone know about them, and when Tony asked him about the one the first night here, he just said it was a one time thing.

Peter stayed in his room playing on his phone. At 8, he went downstairs and went to the kitchen. Steve was down there making pancakes with Nat and Clint. "Hey Pete! Want some pancakes?"

Peter nodded his head and sat at the table. He was tired, since he only got 4 hours of sleep, and put his head down on the table. Nat looked at him and asked, "Peter, are you okay?"

Peter looked up at her and smiled. "I'm fine, just tired."

Nat was about to say something, but stopped. She figured it could wait till later.

Steve gave everyone their pancakes, then grabbed his and sat down.

They all sat and ate, listening to Clint tell stupid stories. Peter finished first and went to the living room to watch TV.

After a few minutes, Nat came and sat down next to him. "How many hours did you sleep for?"

Peter looked down and mumbled something. "What was that Peter?"

Peter looked at her and repeated himself. "4 hours."

"Pete you need to sleep more."

"I know." Peter wanted to end this conversation.

Nat could tell he didn't want to talk about it, but she continued anyway. "I guess Tony is going to have to know about this. He will probably ask Friday to tell him once you fall asleep and wake up, to see if anything is going on."

Peter panicked, knowing that if Tony did that, he will learn about the nightmares. "N-no. I will go to bed earlier. I swear!"

"Fine, but if you don't sleep at least 8 hours tonight, I'm telling Tony."

Peter rolled his eyes and watched TV. "Mr. Stark isn't my dad. Aunt May will come get me soon."

Tony told Nat that May called him and told him to put Peter on the streets because "That is where he belongs." Tony wouldn't do that, obviously, and didn't want to give the kid back to May.

Tony was fighting for guardianship, but Nat guessed he hasn't told Peter yet. Nat kept quiet and walked out of the room.

Peter really didn't do much that day, just sat around watching movies and walked around the Tower. Once it was 12, he went into his room. He tried to fall asleep, but couldn't. He kept thinking of his past nightmares, so he went on his phone.

At 2, Nat walked in his room. "Peter! Go to sleep."

Peter looked at the door and saw Nat. "Fine. Fine. I will." He put his phone down.

"You better." Nat walked out of his room.

Peter tried to fall asleep again, but couldn't, again. He went back to his phone.

Peter looked at the time, and saw it was 4, so he tried to fall asleep again. He managed to, but woke up 3 hours later with a nightmare.

Peter started to hyperventilate. That was his worst nightmare yet. He relived all the bad things that happened in his life, like his parents and Uncle Ben dying.

Peter knew he couldn't fall asleep again, so he grabbed his phone and stayed on it for a while.

He heard footsteps from the hallway, and looked at the clock. 7:34. Shit. Peter quickly put his phone down and acted like he was asleep.

His door opened, and Natasha walked in. She saw Peter, and thought he was asleep. She smiled, until she looked at his phone, which was on. She knew Peter's phone would only be open if he was using it in the past 5 minutes (It was a Stark phone. Tony likes saving batteries).

"Peter. I know you are awake."

Peter didn't respond.

"Peter. Come on, stop acting."

Peter groaned and turned towards Nat. Nat came to the corner of his bed and sat down. "Why did you wake up so early?"

Peter put his face in the pillow and groaned. He then looked up at Nat. "Sleep is overrated."

"That's a lie and we both know it."

Peter put his face in the pillow again.

"Fine. I'll go tell Tony then."

Nat got up and left to go find Tony. She went down to the lab and told him Peter couldn't sleep.

"Why can't he sleep?" Tony was concerned for the boy already, and this didn't really help him become less worried.

"I don't know, he won't tell me. I think you should have Friday watch him, making sure something bad isn't happening."

Tony nodded and went back to his work. He couldn't focus though. He told Friday to watch Peter when he is sleeping, and notify him if something is up.

A/N okay. this chapter is a little shorter but I have a plan for a few chapters, I just need to set them up. So yeah. Enjoy. :)

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