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I sit in the very back, like always, pencil in hand as I doodle onto my sketch book. I really don't know what I plan on drawing but I never do. I just let my pencil wonder across the stark white paper.

My eyes shoot up from my sketch book as I hear small voices enter the room. It's her. She's buried in her large group of friends as they scatter to find a seat.

I gulp as I watch her sit near the front of the room. She's perched in a seat right in middle of the big crowd.

I admire just how social she is. She was so bright and everyone was drawn to her when everyone flocks away from me. Maybe it's my dark clothes and long shaggy hair. Who knows.

I focus back on my sketch book as others continue to spill into the small classroom. Soon the room becomes loud and full of conversation and I'm not apart of a single one of them.

I slip my headphones in and hit shuffle on my playlist as I continue to draw some more. I don't care what these people are talking about. Chances are, they're talking about each other. I've found shit talking to be the most fluent way of speaking here in this school.

I get lost in my drawing and music as the picture finally begins to come together. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a harsh hand placed on my desk. I jump a little as I remove my headphones and look up at my teacher. Some would say she's a witch and I'd agree. Not a single student here likes her.

"Mr. Dolan, I'd greatly appreciate it if you actually paid attention for once." She says coldly. "Yes ma'am." I say quickly.

The room erupts in laughter as I sink back into my seat. So much for being invisible.

Soon it's like they forget everything that just happened. Everyone moves on to the next thing as the teacher begins to speak.

Something I've noticed about Cassie is that she's the only one in her group to actually focus on her school work. All of her friends continue to gossip around her as she soaks in absolutely everything the teacher has to say.

The bell rings quicker than usual if feels like and I'm quick to sling my backpack over my shoulder. I don't dare rush to get out. I'm more than fine with being the last one.

I file out of the room after everyone else and I disappear into the crowded hallways. No one even glances my way as I place my headphones back in.

I flip my hood up as I make my way towards the doors that lead to the courtyard. I always manage to skip photography class to come out here.

The teachers an old hag that can't even keep track of herself let alone a large group of students. Not to mention I already know how to work a camera without any of her help.

I always turn in my portfolios. I just don't see the point in wasting an hour in there when I can enjoy the beautiful courtyard and peace and quiet.

It's a slightly rainy day so I sit in the small drizzle as I reach into my backpack to pull out my camera. I've always been a fan of nature shots. That's practically all I manage to do with my camera.

I sling the strap around my neck as I wonder around looking for perfect shots. I mess around with a few shots before I start to zoom in on the water droplets formed on all the vibrant flowers.

"Hey! Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I hear from the doorway. I look down at my camera before I manage to make an excuse. "I'm out here for photography. I just need to get a couple of shots." I say holding up my camera.

The young teacher nods slowly. I can tell she's questioning me internally but she doesn't say anything more. "Don't be long. It's raining. You could get sick." She says quickly. "Uh yeah. I'll be quick." I lie. The truth is I don't care if I'm sick or not. If I'm sick I don't have to come here.

Regardless of the teacher's advice I remain out in the courtyard for the remainder of the period. I'm damp by the time the bell rings but it doesn't matter much considering it's the last period of the day and I have to walk home anyway.

I stroll into the school and make my way to my locker to grab some of my things before I leave. My hood is still up and I wonder if people find me intimidating and that's why they don't talk to me.

I reach into my locker with only one headphone perched in my ear. My music blares in my ear as I hear laughter from the other side of the hall.

"So are you gonna go out with him?" I hear a shrill voice ask with enthusiasm. I glance past my locker and my hood at the conversation.

Cassie chuckles at the question but she answers. "I guess. He is really cute." She gushes. It causes my heart to drop to the pit of my stomach as I sling my back pack back on to my shoulder.

I don't know why I'm so disappointed. It's not like I was making a move on her or anything. She's definitely not mine. She's free to go out with whoever she pleases.

I guess it hurts because this whole time I've pictured a time and place where she could be mine.

With that thought I slam my locker shut and grip my book bag as I head out of the school. My shoes squeak against the waxed tile as I put my other headphone in and completely drown out all the bullshit around me. I've had enough for one day.

Word count 1007
I actually love this book so far.

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