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"You really had her over?!" I ask my brother with pure shock laced in my voice. "It was just for a project." He says defensively. "Yeah fucking right." I say rolling my eyes. "Listen dude I know you have a thing for her. I wouldn't do that. At least not with you here." He says with a shrug. "Shut the fuck up." I spit. "What?! It's not like you're going to do anything! You don't even talk to her! She's not yours and she never will be. She's not into guys like you." He says with anger.

I'm fuming as I head upstairs. It's best if I just walk away. Grayson always says fucked up shit when he's angry. He's not wrong. She'll never be interested in someone like me. She likes guys like Grayson.


I pull into my driveway with a sigh. I'm so late and I know it. My dads going to be so angry with me.

I take a deep breath as I step out of my car and swing my back pack over my shoulder. I pace up my large driveway towards my door. If I'm quiet enough he won't notice how late I am.

I slowly swing my front door open and I cringe as it creaks a little. I step in and close the door behind me just as carefully as I opened it. The door lets out a quiet click as the sounds of my house fills my ears.

"Where the fuck does the money go?" My Dad shouts loudly. "We have to buy shit for the house Richard!" My Mom shouts back. I roll my eyes at the shouting. This has seemed to be an everyday thing for the past two years. I don't exactly understand it but it annoys the living shit out of me. If they hate each other so much then they should just get a divorce.

I quietly walk up the stairs to my room as they're occupied with their argument. I lock my door behind me and I still hear their loud shouting.

I drop my backpack onto the floor as I kick off my shoes. I run my hands through my hair and plop down on to my bed.

They're yelling fills my ears as I stare up at my ceiling. I wish they'd just get divorced already. I've never had a good relationship with my dad anyways and recently he's been even more of a dick. Maybe it's all the drinking my mom drives him to do.

I sit and wonder what it'd be like to live in a nice quiet home like the Dolans. The house was full of family pictures and it was so welcoming. Our house on the other hand is full of expensive art covering the walls and it's far from homey. I can't even remember the last time my mom framed a picture. I swear they don't own any pictures of me.

Sometimes I think they wouldn't really care if I were to just disappear. They never acknowledge me. They didn't even acknowledge me when I made cheer captain. To them it wasn't a big deal at all.

At least some parents pretend that they care. My parents don't care at all and they make it evident. It's almost as if they refuse to acknowledge the fact that they have a kid sometimes.

I jolt a little as I hear a loud bang rattle the house signaling that my mom finally disappeared into her bedroom and slammed the door shut. Now I can finally sleep. The arguing is done for now.

It doesn't take long for my eyes to flutter closed. I have school tomorrow and a big game tomorrow. I need my rest.

Word count 640

This chapters really short. I'm sorry but it's with good reasoning.

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