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Today's the day that portfolios are due for photography once again. I walk into school with mine perched in my hand. I practically spent all last night editing my photos before I printed them off.

I plan on dropping my portfolio off before I head to first period so I don't have to worry about losing any of my photos. My headphones blare in my ears as I head towards the photography room.

As I turn the corner a harsh shoulder knocks me off balance and my portfolio flies out of my hand, spreading all my photos across the waxed tile. "Shit." I mutter to myself as I begin to scramble and gather my pictures.

I pull one of my headphones out as I see a dainty hand pick up a couple of them. "I'm sorry about him." A soft voice murmurs. I look up to see Cassie and my heart stops. She's actually talking to me.

"It's fine. I'm used to it." I mutter as I stack all my photos. "These are really good." She says as she takes in the photos in her hands. "Thanks. I uh took them in the courtyard." I say quietly as she hands them to me. "Really?" She ask shocked. I just nod as I close my portfolio with all my pictures stuck back inside.

"How long have you Uh been taking pictures like that?" She ask as she swings her backpack back over her shoulder as we both stand. "A couple years I guess." I answer, completely unsure of myself.

"Maybe you can show me some more sometime." She smiles softly. It makes my cheeks heat up as I nod and scratch the back of my neck.

"Cassie! Let's go!" I hear a loud voice from the end of the hall. "I gotta go. My friends are waiting. Nice to talk to you..." "Ethan." I finish for her. She smiles and waves before she runs off to her large crowd.

My heart is still racing and my hands are still shaking as she leaves me alone. She seemed so much nicer than I thought she'd be. Cheerleaders are usually so stuck up but she seemed genuinely interested in my photos.

I pull myself together as I continue to the photography room. This time I actually make it with all my photos still in hand.

"Mr. Dolan." The teacher beams at me. "What are you doing in here so early?" She smiles. "I was Uh just dropping off my portfolio." I answer, flashing her a small fake smile.

"Great. I can't wait to look at it. Yours are always my favorite." She smiles. I can't help but smile at her. She reminds me of someone's grandma that just loves to take care of everyone and give you lots of candy and food.

"I'll see you later Mrs. B." I wave before I head out to make it to first period on time. Calculus. Cassie's in that class.

I hold on to the straps of my book bag as I walk through the semi crowded hallways. I'm sure everyone is talking but I can't hear them. Thank god.

Last period of the day (photography)

"These were absolutely marvelous." Mrs. B says as she hands back my portfolio. "Like always." She adds quickly.

She may be old and forgetful but she never fails to make me feel important in a way. I always leave this room with a small smile on my face. Maybe that's why I truly like photography so much.

I shove my portfolio into my bag and sling it over my shoulder as the bell rings. Finally get to leave this place. I swear everyday gets longer and longer.

I trail through the hallway and don't even bother stopping at my locker. I'm ready to leave and just coop up in my room and draw for hours on end.

I practically stop dead in my tracks once I reach the front doors. It's raining and I have to walk home. Great.

I flip my hood up and swing the glass doors open. At least it's not completely storming.

I take my headphones out and shove my phone into my back pack so it stays dry. I shove my hands in my sweatshirt pocket and walk with my head down.

I only live a few blocks away but something tells me I'll be soaked before I get there. It's not a complete down pour but it's not a sprinkle either.

My long dark hair begins to stick to my forehead as my shoes splash in the small puddles that litter the sidewalk.

A car slows down next to me as I continue to walk. It's probably some of those football jocks. They always find a way to torment me about something.

The car honks and it causes me to look past my hood over at it. The windows rolled down so I can see her soft face. "Do you need a ride?" Cassie ask loudly so I can hear her.

"I just live a couple blocks away. I'll be fine." I say simply as a loud burst of thunder rumbles through the sky. "Are you sure about that?" She ask with a small chuckle. "It's really no problem. Get in." She says, nodding towards the passenger seat that's surprisingly open. I figured one of her cheer friends would be perched in the nice leather seat.

I think for a minute before I let out a deep sigh and walk around her car. Here goes Nothing.

I swing her door open and gently plop down into her seat. I flip my hood down and allow her to see my full head of slightly damp hair.

"Do you walk home everyday?" She ask simply. "Pretty much." I shrug. She just nods.

"Where to?" She ask softly. Her voice was so comforting. I could listen to it all day and the fact that she's actually nice makes me want her even more.

Word count 1000

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