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The Monday after the party. It seems as if the day is going by so slow. It's only lunch which means the day's only halfway through.

I stroll into the cafeteria and make my way to the line. I'm stopped by a small hand griping my arm. I turn to see Cassie. I flash her a soft smile. She's wearing a simple pink sweater and leggings.

"I just wanna thank you for the other night." She says softly as she looks around to make sure no ones listening And crosses her arms over her chest. She probably doesn't want to be seen talking to me. "Oh it's no problem." I say with a smile. She can't help but replicate my smile.

"There's actually a party Friday at my friend's house and I'd love if you came." She says with a small grin playing on her lips as she pushes her hair behind her ear. A surge of confidence courses through me. "Is the Cassie, cheer captain of Grant High, asking me on a date?" I tease. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "If that's what you want to make out if it. I'll meet you there." She says before she turns and walks away.

I bite my lip and run my hand through my messy locks as I watch her walk away and think about what just happened. She just asked me to meet her at a party and then she left as if it was nothing. No ones ever drove me this crazy. She leaves me wanting so much more every time she talks to me.

"Hey bro. Why you so smiley?" Grayson asks as  he pats my back and follows me into the lunch line. "Oh nothing. I just got an A on my photography project." I lie with a small shrug. "You act like that's a surprise." He chuckles as he grabs a Gatorade from the shelf as we move through the line.

"What're your plans for this weekend?" He ask nonchalantly. I just shrug. "What you're not going to anymore parties?" He teases. "Eh wasn't a big fan." I say honestly. He can't help but chuckle.

I don't know how I'm going to tell him I actually wanna go to Cassie's friends but I have to find a way. I can't leave Cassie hanging. This could be my one and only chance.

Word count 402
Short little filler

Stereotyping ~ e.d.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat