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I watch her closely as she munches on the waffles and bacon I fixed up just a second ago. I analyze her soft face to see how she feels about it.

A small chuckle falls past her soft pink lips when she realizes I'm staring at her. "It's good. Thank you." She says reading my mind.

My shoulders slump slightly due to the weight that has just been lifted off of them. She leans over and even plants a small kiss on my cheek. I'm a bit shocked and she can tell because she lets out another small chuckle.

"We should go. I don't want to run into my parents again." She says softly as she lifts up her plate and glass and sets them softly in the sink. I do the same as she slips on her light jacket.

"I'll do dishes when we get back." She says sternly. "What? No." I say quickly. This isn't even her house. Why should she do anything like that?

"It's the least I can do considering you're letting me stay." She says as she tilts her head over to the right. I throw my hands up in surrender. "Okay okay." I say with raised eyebrows causing her to laugh softly and grab my hand. "Let's go."


"Okay. They should be gone for another couple of hours." She says simply as she lifts up a flower pot to pick up a spare key.

"Wow that's a cliche place to put that." I chuckle slightly. "What can I say? My parents are idiots that lead a fake life that portrays the true American dream." She says with sarcasm laced in her voice and a small a shrug as we step into the extravagant house.

I've never truly realized how massive this house was. It's breath taking.

She leads me all the way up to her room and swings the door open. "It's a little messy." She warns quietly. "You call this messy?" I ask with a smirk.

"I'm a rather neat person." She shrugs with a bright smile.

I've noticed that about her already. At home once she's done brushing her teeth and doing her makeup, she likes to put everything back in its original spot.

"So what do you need help with?" I ask quickly as I rub my hands together. "If you can go into my closet and grab my suitcase off of the top shelf that'd be great." She says with a slight sigh as she opens one of her drawers to her pure white dresser. "Of course." I say quickly.

Her closet is immaculate just like the rest of the house. I don't wonder too much and grab her bag. I'm quick to sit it on her bed so I don't keep her waiting.

As I look up at her I see her small shoulders shaking slightly. I instantly tense up.

"Hey hey hey. What's wrong?" I ask quickly as I  make my way to her and gently grab her shoulders for comfort. "I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't have to deal with this right now." She says with frustration laced in her voice.

"My whole life I've had to do things for myself or I had a nanny. My parents have never cared about me and I guess it's all just hitting me so hard right now. I'm sorry I'm like this." She says quickly as she wipes her face.

"Listen, it's okay for you to be mad. You have the right to be that way." I say as I push her soft hair behind her ear. I wipe some more tears off her face as she sniffles.

"I'm so young. All I should be worried about right now is what college I'm going to be going to here soon. I shouldn't have to worry about finding a place to live. And most of all, I shouldn't be so damn scared of my parents." She says as more tears slide down her now flushed cheeks.

"Why are you so scared of your parents. Do they hit you?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows. "I shouldn't have asked that I'm sorry." I say quickly, trying to fix it before it upsets her further.

"No no it's fine. My dads only slapped me a couple of times. It's mainly the ridicule I'm scared of. Whenever I think I've accomplished something great they shit all over it. And when I don't do something right, they're the first to harass me for it." She vents as she finally looks at me.

"You shouldn't have to deal with that. That's so much pressure on someone so young." I say softly as I run the pad of my thumb across her cheek.

Her eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. I'm quick to close the space with a long, gentle kiss.

"Let's get all your stuff okay. We don't want to wait too long." I say kindly as we pull away. She nods and begins to sift through her clothes.

Her suitcase is almost full when she grabs a duffle bag causing me to chuckle. "What?" She ask with a smile.

"Nothing. You just have so much stuff." I tease her slightly, lightening the mood. "I don't have to take all of it. I can put some back." She says quickly. "No no it's fine." I reassure her with a smile as I zip up her big suitcase.

She stuffs a few more things into her duffle bag and then zips it up. She flings it over her shoulders and looks at the alarm clock on her bedside table.

"We better go." She says as she pushes her hair behind her ear. "Yeah I think you should." We hear a deep voice from behind us.

Word count 965

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