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The house is filled with noise. It almost gives me an instant headache as I set Grayson's keys down on the table next to the door.

Grayson must have heard me set the keys down because he's quick to approach me before I even make it into the living room.

"What makes you think you can just take off with my car?" He ask, putting emphasis on the word "my". I roll my eyes at his statement. "We're actually supposed to share it. Mom and Dad got it for the both of us." I sigh. Now it's his turn to roll his eyes and cross his arms over his bulky chest.

I push past him and let my shoulder knock his as I head to the kitchen for a drink. I really don't need this right now. I know the only reason he's acting so tough is because he has half of the god damn football team here.

I enter the kitchen and open the fridge. As I scan it's contents Grayson's quick to speak up yet again. "Why'd you take my car?" He ask yet again.

I debate on if I should tell him the real truth or not. I crack open my coke can and take a sip as I look him in the eyes. He crosses his arms again. He tends to do that when he's looking to intimidate me. I hate to burst his bubble but it doesn't work.

I set my Coke down and cross my arms. I make intense eye contact with him to show him that I'm not willing to take his shit right now.

"Where'd you go?" He ask with a bold shrug. This is it. I'm telling him. "Cassie needed a ride home." I shrug.

He lets out a small laugh. "What? I wasn't about to let her walk home in the freezing rain." I defend myself even though I shouldn't have to.

"What's going on?" Derek, one of Grayson's teammates ask. "Ethan here took my car to take some girl home from the football game tonight." Grayson says in a teasing tone as he leans up against the island.

"Oh really who was it?" Derek ask with a large smirk. "Cassie." Grayson answers for me. This earns a big laugh from Derek.

"Like cheer captain Cassie?" He ask as he continues to fill the kitchen with his obnoxious laugh. "No. She's the only Cassie at our school. Of course it was her." I snap. Derek throws his hands up in surrender.

"I hate to break it to you bro but she's not into guys like you." Derek mutters as if he's really trying to help me. I roll my eyes. "Yeah. I'm not stupid. I just didn't want her to walk home in the shit weather." I say before I leave the kitchen.

I can't even help someone out without everyone questioning me. I don't see why any of this is such a big deal.

I make my way up to my room and I swing my door open and kick my shoes off. It feels so good to be in the comfort of my own room. My muscles instantly relax.

I take my camera off of my neck and carry it to my desk. I start my computer and wait. I need to edit these photos so they're ready for my next portfolio.

I pull up my photos onto the computer and begin to click through them. They're you're stereotypical high school football shots.

Then I run across three or four photos of Cassie. A big smile is perched on her face and it makes me wonder if cheerleading is her escape and her mask all in one.

It gets her away from home and people continue to think she has it all.

The pictures don't need much editing. They're beautiful as they are. The suns setting behind her, making her skin look golden and her hair shine. I can't help the smile that runs along my face.

I quickly click off as I think of just how weird this is. I took her picture without her permission and now I'm staring at them. I need to stop this. This is too weird.

She definitely wouldn't pay any attention to me if she knew I was this weird. She would run for the hills.

Word count 730

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