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"Where are you going?" My Mom ask me quickly as she takes in my bag that's perched on my shoulder. "I'm going to a friends house to do a project. I won't be long." I say in hopes of trying to ease her mood. She always seems to act as if something crawled up her ass and died.

"You better not be going to some boy's house." She says sternly. I can't help but roll my eyes. She always expects the worst from me and I don't get it. I've never done anything wrong. Well, nothing too serious anyway.

"I'm not Mom." I lie. I'm totally going to Grayson's house. It's just for a project but I don't dare tell her my partners a boy. I don't need the lecture. I'm already late.

I swing the door open and step out before she can say anything else. I can't wait for her and Dad to leave for their little business trip this weekend. They leave tomorrow and bam! Nothing but fun floods the house.

I hop into my car and start it quickly. Surely Grayson won't care if I'm late. Hell he probably even forgot about this little study date. Well it's not a date. There's just a lack of better words for such a thing.


I finish up my photos and set them snug into my folder. I run my hand through my hair as the ding of the doorbell rings through the house.

My eyebrows scrunch together as I make my way out of my bedroom. "Gray?" I shout into the hall. "Are you having someone over?" I ask as I swing his door open to see his room completely empty. Who the hell is at the door?

I jog down the stairs and make my way to the door quickly since they've been waiting for a while now. I swing the door open and my heart jumps to my throat.

Cassie stands with her silky hair framing her face and her backpack sat on her shoulders. "Is Grayson here?" She ask kindly. It takes me a minute to register my thoughts. "Uh no he's not." I finally manage to choke out.

She lets out a big sigh as she ruffles her hair. "We were supposed to work on our project." She huffs. I realize that she's still stood outside so I step to the side. "Come in." I say quickly. She obliges as she continues to ramble about Grayson being irresponsible.

"Trust me, he's never responsible. He refuses to take responsibility for anything." I ramble as I lead her to the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?" I ask her over my shoulder. "Uh a coke would be fine." She says softly.

I grab two cokes and give her one. "I'm sorry about your project." I say sincerely. She came all this way for basically nothing. I know damn well that she'd rather be doing something else rather than standing here with me.

"No it's fine. I don't really have anything better to do anyway." She mutters as she sets her book bag down on the island. "I can help you if you want." I offer. I don't want her to be left hanging.

"No it's okay you don't have to." She murmurs before silence sits down upon us. "You never did show me those pictures from the game." She pipes up.

I can't help but swallow hard as I pull my drink from my lips. "They're really not all that great." I lie. Hers came out absolutely spectacular but I don't dare tell her I took pictures of her secretly.

"Oh come on. Let me see." She teases. There's no harm in showing her right? Why not?

"Ok come on." I say quickly as I sit my coke down on the island and I lead her up the stairs. She follows close behind me and I'm shocked that she's actually interested in my work. No one ever is. Mrs. B is the only one.

I swing my door open and she walks in and takes a look around. She's probably not too impressed. My room is as basic as they come. It's not littered with trophies like my brothers is.

I grab my folder and hand it to her. She takes it with her small hands and I watch her with anticipation as she plops down on my bed.

Never in a million years did I think that Cassie would be sat in my room on my bed. I remain struck by the whole situation as she sifts through the photos of the game. I'm not snapped out of my thoughts until I see the picture of her with a bright smile on her face perched in her dainty hand.

"Woah." Is all she says as she takes in the picture in its entirety. "You seemed like you were having a good time so I just couldn't help but capture it." I say almost truthfully.

"It's a great picture." She smiles as she sits it off to the side and sees another of her self. "You really know how to work that camera." She chuckles. "I don't think I've ever looked this good in a picture before." She adds.

"Now, I find that hard to believe." I say as a sudden surge of confidence shoots through me and I sit right next to her.

I feel her stiffen due to our close proximity but I don't dare push her limits. Well I guess I should say push my luck.

"Seriously how did you do this?" She ask softly. "I didn't do much. I just took your picture love." I say with a soft smile.

Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink as she sets the pictures back into the folder. "I can make you copies of those if you'd like. I was gonna turn those in for my portfolio If you don't mind." I ramble as she stands up.

"Oh no that's fine. You're bound to get an A with those." She chuckles. "All thanks to you." I smile.

"I should probably go. I don't wanna keep my parents waiting. I'll see you Friday right?" She ask quickly. "Of course." Is all I say before she leaves.

Word count 1048

Stereotyping ~ e.d.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang