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I find it hard to catch up to her on our way out of the huge house. She's moving so fast that it's quite concerning.

"Cassie! Wait a second!" I shout after her. She struggles to keep a hold of her heavy bags as she whips around towards me.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Like let's calm down." I try to sound reasonable.

"We can't calm down. My dads pissed off and you punched him!" She yells frantically. I just carefully take the bags from her and try to stay calm.

"He's knocked out cold he's not coming anyti-." She cuts me off as she runs her hand through her hair.

"He's got some damn good lawyers Ethan. I'm worried about you." She says seriously. I never considered this angle and it slaps me in the face as soon as she mentions it.

"We'll deal with that later. Right now let's just get home alright." I say quietly.

"What are we gonna do when he tries to press charges?!" She ask quickly as she follows behind me to the car.

I swing the bags into the trunk and close it with a thud. "We'll deal with it later. Haven't you ever heard "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it"?"

"Ethan I just don't want this to fall back on you. These are my problems. I don't want to suck you into all this bullshit." She whispers.

I'm gentle when I place my hands on either side of her face. "It won't. I'll be okay. You'll be okay. Chances are he won't remember me when he wakes up anyway." I shrug before I place a gentle peck on her soft lips.

"I can't keep staying at your place. I know your parents wouldn't approve." She continues. She's always worried about everything. She never just takes a minute to sit and digest.

"I know my parents, they'd be willing to help." I say softly. She accepts this and calms herself down enough for us to get into the car.

"I say we get home and get you unpacked. My parents should be home in a couple of days." I say as I start the car. All she does is nod. I can tell she's nervous. She's always nervous.

The car ride's quiet but I don't mind. I leave her be. She needs this peace and quiet.

As we pull into my driveway I'm quick to make my way to the trunk. I want to grab the bags before she does.

She chuckles softly as she sees me with all the bags. "At least let me carry one." She offers.

"Nope. No can do." I say jokingly. This causes her to roll her eyes and lead the way into the house.

"I'm gonna get something to drink and then I'll be upstairs to unpack. I'm dying of thirst." She says as I give her a small nod and carry her bags upstairs.


"Oh shit. You scared me." I say, holding my chest as I see Grayson standing at the kitchen counter.

"My bad." He chuckles as he finishes making a sandwich of sorts.

I open the fridge and grab a soda as I think of Ethan's parents. I wonder if they truly will be willing to help.

"Do you think your parents will be angry with me?" I blurt to Grayson. I almost immediately regret it because I've never really had much interaction with him.

"Not at all. You've been through a lot Cassie and I'm sure they'll understand." He says softly.

I've never seen him so calm and collected. He's usually so full of energy and dick head comments.

"Don't worry so much. We'll make sure everything works out." He says with a tight smile before he leaves the kitchen.

I'm shocked by his soft demeanor. Big shot football star has a soft spot? Never in a million years would I expect such a thing from him. He's the stereotypical jock.

But I find myself comfortable here knowing I have two people I can trust. Two people I would have never expected to confide in.

Word count 692
This is a boring filler but trust me it's leading to some big things. I finally have some ideas for this story.

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