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Cassie stiffens as we turn to face her father. In this moment I have no clue what to do. Who would?

The one thing I was sure of was keeping her close. I step in front of her slightly so she looks around my shoulder to see her angry dad.

"You have some nerve leaving for days and then strolling around whenever the fuck you want." He spits. His foul language makes me jump slightly but I hold my ground and clench my jaw.

I don't want to have an outburst. Maybe this shit can be taken care of rationally before we have to do anything.

Cassie grabs my hand and her dad takes note of it. "So I see. This is why you left. For some loser." He spits. This makes me stiffen but I remain quiet. She has other plans. "He's far from a loser but you wouldn't know. You never take the time to listen to a damn thing I have to say." She responds with fire laced in her words.

She's angry. She has the right to be. In this moment she seems invincible. She doesn't want to be a punching bag anymore and I won't let that happen again.

"I'm your father! I decide what's best for you!" He says loudly. My grip on Cassie's hand tightens as he becomes more and more heated.

"You don't know what's best for me because you hardly know me god damn it!" She says with tears now flooding her eyes. So much emotion rushes to her face and I just want to take her home. Get her out but that's not happening without her stuff. She has a right to her belongings. He can't just keep them captive.

"You. Get the fuck out of my house." He points at me. I calmly shake my head no as Cassie squeezes my forearm. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" He screams as he shoves my chest and sends me off balance.

This is it. I can only keep myself calm for so long.

My nostrils flare as my fists clench.

"You think you're tough huh?" He taunts me as he shoves my once again. This time I waste no time in bringing my fist up to connect with his jaw.

"In fact I do." I say simply as he hits the ground. He doesn't move once he hits the ground. I actually knocked the mother fucker out cold.

I take a deep breath as Cassie's hands stay on her mouth. She's beyond shocked.

"We really have to go Ethan." She says now frantically grabbing her things.

Word count 439

I'm sorry it's been so long. I've just been so busy lately. But I had prom this past weekend and it was a fucking blast. Here's some pictures even tho none of you care

 Here's some pictures even tho none of you care

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