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"What was that?" I ask Ethan as we get back to the car. He doesn't answer as he swings the drivers side door open and climbs in. I climb in next, still determined to figure out what just happened.

He sticks the key in the ignition but doesn't start the car. He just plops back into the seat as everyone else leaves the parking lot.

"I've never seen you like that." I say softly. I figured a softer approach was the way to go considering he looked so angry just seconds ago.

"It doesn't happen very often." He says flatly. I believed him. Never in a million years did I think he had that in him. He always seemed like such a nice and reserved guy. Maybe that's why I was so drawn to him.

"Why'd you do it?" He ask. This catches me off guard. I should be the one asking that question. "Do what?" I ask, dumbfounded. "Stand up for me like that." He says as he looks down at his red knuckles.

I let out a soft sigh as I toss the thought around in my head. I don't know how to say anything right now. I feel like so much just happened in such a short span of time.

"I didn't like the way he was talking about you. He doesn't know you at all so there was no reason for him to be that way. Not to mention that absolutely none of it was true." I spew.

We're almost the last car in the parking lot at this point but I don't think either of us cared. We were too invested in this crazy situation.

"I appreciate it but you should be more careful." He says softly. The thought of someone else caring about my well being warmed my heart as I looked at him.

"Why'd you hit him?" I ask quickly. I didn't put much thought into the question I just blurted it out. It's been sitting inside my head ever since it happened.

"I didn't like the way he was talking about you. You don't deserve that." He says now completely facing me.

He leans up against the vented console so now he's a little closer to me. I lean in close as I say barely above a whisper, "I appreciate it a lot Ethan."

His eyes flicker from my eyes down to my lips. As soon as I register what's happening, his lips are on mine. The kiss is intense but full of such passion. I never knew anything quite like this existed before.

He grabs either side of my face and kisses me even harder as if he wants to Steak absolutely every last breath I have. I let him.

Without much thought I climb over the center console and perch myself right on his lap. If he's shocked, he doesn't really show it.

I bury my fingers into his hair as his tongue makes it's way into my mouth. His hands play with the hem of my shirt before he grabs my hips and presses me further into him.

He doesn't seem like the type of guy to hook up with several girls on the regular but he sure acted like he did. He knew exactly what he was doing and I found comfort in it. I fed off of his hunger for me and I did my best to show him just how desperate I was for his love and affection.

He pulls away gently and I wonder why he stopped. Am I a bad kisser?

Both of our chests heave up and down as we look at each other. His lips are swollen and his hair is tossed around but I love the sight.

"How about we go to my house? I don't want people seeing us. I don't want that kind of ridicule for you." He says breathlessly. All I do is nod and climb right back into the passenger's seat.

I can't believe that just happened and that he was completely okay with it. I can't believe I was okay with it. I've never ever been so serious about booking up with a guy. In fact I don't think I've ever been in a situation quite like this.

Word count 716
Sorry this isn't edited. I hope you enjoyed anyway :)

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