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It's late when Cassie finally mentions leaving. I don't even want her to go now even though I've spent all night and day with her.

"You sure you have to go?" I ask in a whiny tone and throw my head back. "We have school tomorrow and I don't have anything here that I need to get ready tomorrow morning." She says with her bottom lip poked out in the slightest.

"Fine." I huff as I stand from my couch and grab the keys and my jacket. She slips her shoes on and throws her jacket on as well.

"Do you remember where I live?" She ask softly as we step out into the chilly night air. "Well of course." I grin. "That's a little creepy." She chuckles. "Shut up." I say as I shake my head back and forth.

I unlock the car and we both hop in. I'm quick to crank the heat up as high as it could possibly go. It's not too cold outside but there's a cold sprinkle coming down which makes it feel ten times worse outside.

The car is relatively silent. All we hear are the windshield wipers scraping the window every so often. The silence is comfortable though. I like it. I like the idea of being around someone and not having to talk constantly. The atmosphere is all I need.

I pull into her large driveway as the rain starts to pick up slightly. Now all we hear is the harsh pitter patter of the rain hitting the car.

"I'll pull up to your door so you don't have to walk in the rain." I mutter as I drive up her long driveway slowly. "So kind." She chuckles which causes a small smile to be painted across my face.

As we pull up to her house her breath hitches slightly. My eyebrows furrow until I see her dad stood on the porch with his arms crossed over his chest. My eyes instantly widen.

I've never seen her dad before but I can tell he's not happy. I get antsy as I put the car in park and watch her hesitantly unfasten her seatbelt.

"I can walk you up." I offer her. "No no. It's fine." She waves me off as she hops out of the car and into the rain.

I watch her walk up her large steps and I roll my window down a crack so I can hear what's going on.

She stops at the bottom of her porch steps. She's still stood in the rain as her father stares at her intensely. "Where have you been?" He barks. "A friends house." She shrugs.

Her father lets out a harsh chuckle and it causes my jaw to clench. "What did I tell you about whoring around?" He ask with anger laced in his voice.

That's enough for me to unfasten my seatbelt and shoot out of the car. I keep one foot in the car as my other is placed firmly on her nicely paved drive.

She's quick to look over her shoulder at me with wide eyes. I may have made this worse but I couldn't just sit there. I don't like the way he's speaking to her.

"This is the friend?" He ask quickly as he points to me. She doesn't say a word. Just looks down at her feet as the heavy rain pounds down on to her long hair.

"Boyfriend sir." I answer for her. I swallow the lump in my throat. I never asked her to be my girlfriend but for some reason this felt right. This earns a small laugh from her father. This dude really is a douche bag.

"Oh so you really were out whoring around? Just like your fucking mother." He lets out a low sigh.

"I think you should watch your mouth." I say boldly as I size this grown man up. He raises an eyebrow at my statement. "Cassie go in the house." He tells Cassie firmly. Cassie doesn't move.

I step out of the car completely and close the door behind me. I'm completely soaked at this point but I don't care. My hair sticks to my forehead as I step closer to Cassie and her father.

"I said go the fuck inside!" He booms. Cassie flinches and thats enough for me to take action. I grab Cassie and pull her into me.

Something is really wrong here and I don't want her anywhere near this house. I sure as hell don't want her anywhere near this man.

"Get in the car." I tell her quietly. She's very hesitant. I can tell she's at a crossroad. She has no clue how to deal with a situation such as this.

"You get in that fucking car and I swear to god you'll never leave this house again!" Her dad screams as he comes down the porch steps. He's now only a couple feet away from us.

Cassie stands next to me as I glare at her father. "I'm leaving." Is all she says and it shocks both me and her father.

"No." He says sternly as he snatches her wrist. "You're coming inside because I said so." He finishes as she yelps due to his tight grip.

Im quick to break his grip and shove into his chest hard. He steps back, off balance. "Cassie get in the car!" I yell over the rain. She doesn't say a word. All I hear is the car door slam behind me.

"You're a fucking joke." I spit into her father's face. He reeks of alcohol and now I know that's his problem.

"You're real tough aren't you?" He taunts. I grab his shirts tightly and lift him up to where only his toes touch the ground. "You ain't seen shit." I say with gritted teeth.

If Cassie wasn't near I'd unleash on this sorry ass son of a bitch but she's been through enough.

I let go of his shirt with a low breath and turn back towards the car. All her dad does is plop down on the bottom step of the porch.

I fling the drivers side door open and the only thing that floods through my mind right now is taking care of Cassie.

Word count: 1051
I loooovvveee protective Ethan. It's such a concept. If anyone has any recommendations regarding Ethan being all protective and shit let me know. I'm in desperate need.

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