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"So does your dad always flake like this?" I ask, Breaking the thick silence that has slipped over us. "Yeah. He's not very dependable I guess." She shrugs softly.

"What about your mom?" I ask hesitantly. I probably shouldn't be asking all these questions but I can't help all the curiosity that's currently flooding my brain.

"My mom couldn't care less. She's never been impressed with me." She says with a harsh chuckle.

Her answer catches me off guard. Cassie. The Cassie. Cheer captain. She has sucky ass parents when she seems to have absolutely everything?

"But isn't she proud of you for becoming cheer captain?" I ask even though I shouldn't. "She thinks cheerleaders are whores." She says quietly.

"Only the shitty ones are." I say in order to lighten the situation. I receive a chuckle from her.

"You're gonna wanna turn right up here." She says pointing to the street ahead of us. I turn as all of the things she just said floats around in my head.

I thought Cassie had everything figured out. Don't all cheer captains?

"That's my driveway." She says pointing to one with a nice gate sat in front of it. "You can drop me off here. I'll just put in the code and I'll walk up to the house." She says simply. "Are you sure?" I ask quickly. It's freezing and it's raining. Not to mention it's dark.

"I'll be fine. No ones home it looks like so I won't get into too much trouble." She chuckles. I laugh nervously. I'm not sure how to respond to anything she's said.

I can't help but look at her small frame and want to just take it into my large arms. I want to take care of her. I want to support her like her parents don't. I want to make her feel better.

She reaches for the handle to the car door but stops and faces me again. "Thanks for the ride Ethan. I really appreciate it." She says softly. I can't help but think about kissing her right now. Her lips look so soft and her eyes drip with innocence.

"It's no problem. I was just returning the favor." I say with a gentle smile. She smiles back at me and in that moment it was so hard to stay in my seat and not lean into her so inviting lips.

"I'm having a party after the game next Friday. You should come." She says quickly almost as if asking me was like ripping off a bandaid.

I glance up at the gate as my windshield wipers glide across the windshield. "I don't really go to parties." I say with a sigh as I scratch the back of my neck. "Come on it'll be fun." She chuckles as she shoves my arm. I can't help but laugh with her. Her laugh tends to fill me up with humor.

"I'll be expecting you." She says quickly before she jumps out of the car. There's no time for me to argue as she slams the door behind her and runs to put in the code for the gate to open.

I watch as the gate glides open and she sends me a small wave right before she walks up her long driveway to her colossal house that's filled with nothing of substance. All that's inside is material of great price. No love. No family. No sentiment.

She had none of the things that I wanted to give her. I was more than happy to fill her void but someone like her would never let a guy like me do such a thing.

Everything she said earlier makes me second guess myself. Maybe she's not made for the stereotypical cheer captain and football captain relationship.

I shake the idea off as I head home. I can't read too far into things. She's still too good for me. She wouldn't be caught dead with me. I know better.

Word count 665

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