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I check my camera one more time as I enter the stadium. I truly don't know why I'm here. I never come to these things. They're not my cup of tea I guess you could say.

I guess I just figured I should venture out of nature pictures. Get some action shots. I'm sure Mrs. B is sick and tired of seeing my portfolio full of flowers.

I keep my head down and don't say a word. Someone knocks my shoulder and sends me off balance and I'm quick to see who it was. Some stupid guy that doesn't even bother to apologize. I guess I'm not worth the apology.

This is a stereotypical Friday night. The stadiums packed full of everyone. Everyone wants to see all the football stars shine, including my twin brother.

I shove my hands into the pockets of my dark ripped jeans as I make my way up to the large stands. They're practically full but I spot a bare spot. That's exactly where I head to.

The whole place is full of chatter as they wait on the game to begin. I wouldn't expect anything less.

I plop down on to the cold metal bleachers and glance at my camera as I turn it on. I take a couple of test shots to get a good feel of the lighting.

That's when I see her. Her hair swings behind her with a bright blue ribbon tied in it. She looked so beautiful and pure. I couldn't help but take a picture of her profile.

Her soft angelic features looked striking under the setting sun. It was golden hour and she was glowing. It left me star struck. Something told me these were far better than nature pictures. She was far more beautiful than those pesky flowers. She was worth a thousand pictures to say the least.

She reaches up to straighten her bow in her hair which allows her top to lift in the slightest bit, revealing her tan, toned stomach. My breath hitches at the sight. I remove the camera from my eye to get a full view.

Every part of her called to me. I wanted all of her. Every part of her looked soft to the touch. She looked as if her skin would feel soft as silk and smell of roses or vanilla.

She turns around to take in the field so I get a full view of her soft hair. It was perfectly tied up like it always was for Friday's. She never missed a beat when it came to cheer.

I glanced down at the field as all the football players began to shuffle onto the freshly painted field. This probably would've been a great time to get a shot of the whole team running together but I wasn't interested. My real muse sat on the sidelines.

I turn back to Cassie to see her bend down to pick up her white Pom poms. Her short skirt almost reveals everything I've wanted to see. Everything I've fantasized about.

I look down at my lap once I realize I shouldn't be doing this. I never asked her permission to take photos of her. This is wrong. This is creepy. What would she think if she found out?

I shake the thought off as I take a couple of shots of the football players. All of them turnout pretty good but Cassie's photo remains my favorite.

It's the fourth quarter when it starts to rain. The sun has already gone down and the field is lit by the bright fluorescent lights.

My hair begins to stick to my forehead as I sneak a couple pictures of Cassie mid cheer. She wears a smile and it makes me smile.

Even with her hair drenched and makeup gliding off of her face she seemed impeccable. She seemed as if she could never look anything less than flawless. She did everything so effortlessly.

Everyone screams loudly as Grayson scores the winning touchdown. I smile a little at my brothers achievement but I'm quick to stand up and make my way down the bleachers. I can't stand to sit in this rain any longer.

As I'm making my way out of the stadium I'm stopped by a small voice. "Ethan!" She shouts. I'm quick to turn to see her. She now has her cheer jacket draped over her shoulders as she blinks the harsh rain from her eyes.

"Hey." I say awkwardly. I'm never able to act normal around her. "What are you doing here? I never see you at these things." She chuckles as she catches up with me and walks with me out of the stadium.

"I came for pictures." I say as I slightly hold up my camera. She nods. "Can I see them?" She ask with a small grin.

"Maybe later. I have to edit them." I tease. She chuckles a little as she looks up at the sky as if wondering why it's raining right now.

"I'll see you later Ethan." She smiles back at me. But she stands still in her spot and searches for a car.

"Do you need a ride?" I ask hesitantly. "You have a car?" She ask with raised eyebrows considering she had to drive me home one day.

"I drove Grayson's." I say simply. She nods slowly. "My dads actually supposed to pick me up because my cars in the shop but I told him to be here 20 minutes ago." She sighs.

"Come on." I say motioning for her to follow me. "Won't Grayson need a ride?" She ask as she looks over her shoulder back at the stadium. "He can ride with one of his friends." I say with a shrug.

She looks around nervously as she chews on the idea. I can tell she's thinking about my offer.

"Come on. My turn to get you out of the rain." I say with a small smirk.

Word count 1004
I loved this chapter so much

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