3: bad boy activated

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Tae entered his class and dropped his bag on the cold hard floor while slamming his science project against his desk which earned scared looks from his classmates , Tae just shrugged it off and took his seat. He glanced at his project and noticed a blue note sticking out of it, he pulled it out and immediately a grin formed on his face after realising who the note was from, jimin. 

Deer Tae (yes , deer cause u look like one, im jk)

you fell asleep last night while doing your project, i guess, so i thought maybe i could finish it up for you, yes me isseu goodeu friend, dont worry , i've already entered that chapter so it was quite easy for me to do , ( minus the drawings, those were jungkooks, im not that good at drawing weird body parts) , so I hope you get a high grade for it and give the credits to me, obviously, now, treat me for lunch okay? 

                                                                                                                        from: the world's cutest mochi

Tae let out a soft giggle after reading the last part and muttered 'mochi' to himself before folding the note and sliding it into his pocket. He opened his file and flipped through the parts he did last and noticed the slight change of handwriting although Jimin and him knows that they have similar handwritings, his eyes glided over towards the pretty drawings and thanked god for having an artistic best friend. He smiled to himself and closed the file and thought to himself, " i wonder what Jimin would be doing right now?". he sighed and placed his forehead on the desk, about to fall asleep until he heard footsteps approaching his table, Tae groaned before lifting his head up to see who was it, it was one of his classmates, a girl with short hair and round glasses which made her face look more rounder and cute, but it meant nothing to Tae. 

The girl fixed her glasses and nervously dragged one of the nearest chair and positioned it facing tae and took her seat. 

" what?" Tae spoke, sounding cold and unbothered.

" T-Tae i n-need your h-help , ple-please" the girl stuttered 

Tae knew what was coming, whenever someone comes and asks for his help, it meant it was something important and only HE could help them. Tae blew a strand of hair away from his face which made the girl blush slightly before looking directly at her, all serious, since that's the only expression he could actually muster right now.

" what do you need?" Tae never intended to sound mean and cold but it just slipped off.

" There's th-this guy, a year ol-older than us, and he- he is bothering me, i w-want him to st-stop!" the girl said with tears starting to form in her eyes. Tae rolled his eyes, he hated when people starts to cry in front of him , especially Jimin, he hated jimin the most when he starts crying, because whenever jimin cries, Tae feels heartbroken even though he isnt the reason to it, it just hurts him.  Tae sat  back straight before staring at her with a look that meant someone is about to die, he never really liked the idea of guys bothering girls , or anyone bothering anyone until they need HIM to solve it. He hands out his handkerchief to the girl who hesitated but took it anyways due to his expression and whispered in his deep , spine chilling tone 

" where can I find him?"


Jimin smiled to himself and thought about how would Tae's reaction be after seeing the note and the work he did for him , he sighed and scan the class boringly trying to find any source of entertainment but the only thing he could see is girls whispering and giggling behind their books while taking small glances at Jimin. Jimin didn't care about it much since he's used to it. Jimin slumped back into his seat and wished for Tae to be here so that it would be even more fun , they used to be in the same class but it changed this year and things weren't the same without having each other . As jimin was thinking about Tae he noticed the familiar brown hair walk past his class window , Jimin turned and looked and saw Tae walking towards the hall with a girl by his side, Jimin was confused, Tae has NEVER liken a girl other than his previous girlfriend which he didn't think was his girlfriend at all , it was just an unusual sight for Jimin to see Tae with a girl and honestly deep down jimin could feel a pang of jealousy but ignored it because why would HE want to feel jealous for his best friend , but without hesitation , jimin got out from his seat and left the class to follow Tae and to stop him from whatever he thinks Tae is gonna do to that girl.


" Where now?" Tae asks while scanning the halls for any signs of that jerk.

" His class is around the corner "

Tae just nodded and continued walking and following the girl's orders not knowing that clueless jimin was following him from the back. As Tae entered the class he noticed there was only a group of four boys and the rest of the class was empty, they all looked strong and could whip anyone just by a flick . Tae licked his lips and told the girl to wait outside which she quickly agreed and scurried out.

"Well, well , well , if it isn't Mr.Bad boy" one of the jocks said who to Tae is unmistakably their leader . Tae just smirked and and stared at him

" I came here in peace to ask you a favour to stop disturbing that girl from my class that's it!okay?" Tae said in a cool tone with a hint of sarcasm only he knows .

" what are you? An Alien?, what does us disturbing that girl got t do with you? Why is she your girlfriend?" The jock ended it with a laugh and his friends joined in with him. Tae just scoffed and he could feel his knuckles tightening and he knew , things are about to get good .


Jimin speed walked after realizing he lost them but then found them minutes later , but it wasn't Tae except for the girl her saw with Tae . He jogged up to her and noticed the worried expression she had on her face.

" Hey, are you okay?" He asked, the girl immediately turn around to see who that pretty voice belonged to, her eyes widen at once when she realised that park jimin is standing up close to her, she then realized what she was doing and shakes her head before replying

" Ye-yeah I'm fine but I don't think he'll be" she said while pointing towards the open classroom door, and it hit him , he knew what he was about to witness,

A fight .

Gahh shitty chapter , but I guess it was alright *shrugs* I hope you enjoyed it , I'll be continuing more of it soon , don't forget to check it out !
Peace out .💕👽

Bad softie {vmin ff}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora