52: Forever we are young

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So i unpublished that vkook book i did a long time ago cause i thought i should finish this first then make a vkook one. And so i went to un-publish it and all of a sudden both this vmin and vkook story went missing and my heart almost stopped LIKE LEGIT, but then i found it back on my profile but my heart was still like ndaslkdjlbdbdlebdljebdjlbduwbfjwbdcjkwblc, wattpad don play with me liddis :(


"Hey why not we invite Jin, Namjoon and Kookie? we can make a little sleepover hm?" Hobi suggested while looking around at everyone who nodded agreeing except for Yoongi who groaned and continued cuddling Hobi on the carpeted floor. Hobi texted them immediately and couple of hours later they heard the front door opening and the familiar yell of Jin letting them know his presence had filled the room.

"HELLO EVERYONE! long time no see! " he jogged in and tumbled all over on Taehyung and Jimin who hugged him back in response. Namjoon smiling at the sight and placing the grocery bag of stuff he had bought for the sleepover while taking his seat next to Yoongi. Jungkook came in and purposely sat on top of Yoongi's lap, causing the older to shriek and whack him to get off, but the younger didn't even budge instead a mischievous  grin was plastered on his face. Finally Yoongi was too tired to chase him away, ignored it and wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, pulling him close. 

Jungkook noticed the sudden affection from his hyung, freaked a little and moved away, staring back at Yoongi wide-eyed. Yoongi smirked and said "I knew you would get off if i did that". 

"You boys should have invited me and Namjoon first so we can prep this place up for a perfect sleepover, didn't your parents teach ya'll anything?"

"Yea, they thought us to not take advice from old people" Yoongi replied and Jin who was sitting on the sofa behind him , gave him a kick.

"hyungs what did you get us?" Jimin squeaked from behind Jin who was sitting on him, his pale pink bangs and big eyes poking out from behind Jin's broad shoulder. Namjoon grabbed the bag from behind and poured it all out onto the ground, Jungkook crawled over curiously and checked the stuff out. He grabbed a pink box and scanned it, smelling it a little before giving an approving nod.

"Hyung where can i get this..um...extra lubricant ...condoms" He grinned and Namjoon choked. The rest were laughing their heart out, Jin screamed at Namjoon asking him to keep it away from the "children" and Namjoon sighing like as if this was all his fault. 

"Everyone shut up! it's not like you guys have never had sex before" Everyone went silent at Jins statement.

"Except for me" Jungkook raised his hand up.

"Go have a threesome with Tae and Jimin or something Kook, your virginity don't belong in this unholy household " Yoongi said and Jin gave him an even more harder kick at the back. 

"um, wHoA dO i sEe hAiRdYe?!" Taehyung broke the awkward silence and scooted next to Jungkook, lifting up the colourful packets. There were  blood Red, purple, brown ,  black , grey,  tiffany blue and  pastel pink, each for everyone.

"We'll have a hairdo session by yours truly" Jin smiled. Jimin squirmed himself free and joined Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Grey is mine!" Jimin instantly grabbed the packet and held it safely against his chest.

"I'll take purple" Namjoon said (not today era Namjoon is hAt)

"Im taking brown!" Hobi yelled from behind.

"mine's black" Yoongi lazily stated.

"Pink is obviously mine, don't touch" Jin grabbed his packet and wave it annoyingly at each of their faces. 

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