16: Accidents

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a.n: uuUUMmmMM IDOL?! AnmdbnsbcijwidfuhpeuhcvpuwdbcnjabncijBWP , so many bias wrecker in one video oh lord, must s t a y l o y a l t o t A e H y U n G

n: uuUUMmmMM IDOL?! AnmdbnsbcijwidfuhpeuhcvpuwdbcnjabncijBWP , so many bias wrecker in one video oh lord, must s t a y l o y a l t o t A e H y U n G

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Jimin entered the bar and took his seat in one of the booths nearing the counter. He ordered his usuals and took out his phone, he noticed he had received 20+ missed calls from Tae and instead of calling him back, he called his neighbour Mrs.Kim who is a friend of Jimin , Tae and Jungkook since they moved in here. She's always been a great help to the boys in taking care of the house whenever they're gone.

" Hey Mrs. Kim , are you busy right now?" Jimin asked in his usual soft tone, trying to not sound drunk.

" Ahh Jimin!, its been ages since i've last heard from you, nono im not busy right now? What's wrong?" 

Jimin smiled at the response before saying, " Mrs. Kim i need your help, can you check on Tae for me? help me see if he's at home."

" Sure, why did anything happen?" Mrs. Kim asked while exiting her house to go to Jimin's.

" ah- it's nothing, its just that i've never left Tae alone for so long, who knows what he's up to" Jimin nervously laughed.

" hahaha okay Jimin, im in front of your house now, i'll call you back if there's anything okay?"

"a-alright Mrs. Kim Thank you" Jimin let out a sigh and ended the call.He placed his phone down and took another shot. 'Tae would be fine, he knows how to go home , he's a grown man im sure he's okay' Jimin thought to himself , Jimin could still feel the sense of guilt creeping in him and so he drank more to get rid of it, only making it worse.

Just then, a familiar figure approached Jimins booth, Jimin looked up at the figure , sudden anger and jealousy building up in him, it was Jungkook.

" Hyung, what are you doing here?" Jungkook said while taking a seat next to Jimin who just glared back at the younger.

" Um, can't you see , im drinking?" The sarcastic-ness of Jimins words made the younger flinch, but Jungkook just shrugged it off.

" Where's Tae? I thought he's always with you?" Jungkook innocently asked , not knowing that it only made Jimin more pissed.

" None of your business kook, now get out of here" Jimin spat.

" Hyung look, i dont know what made you to hate me so much, but we're best friends, used to.. but still if its because you're jealous of me and Tae well dont be, Im his best friend and will always be , same goes to you, so please stop getting mad for unknown reasons because this isn't you" Jungkook got up to make his way out of the booth but stopped and turned back to Jimin.

" Oh and never leave Taehyung alone, remember what happened last time?" Jungkook grabbed one of the cups and took a shot for himself before leaving. Jimin just stared at the younger , the last time he was referring to was when Jungkook and Jimin had to leave Tae alone at home because they had to go get some stuff and once they were back, they found Tae lying unconscious on the floor due to accidentally falling from the stairs because he was sliding down it with a pillow. And now Jimin wasn't just feeling the guilt of leaving Tae but also for mistreating his best friend. Tears started to form in his eyes and Jimin swore how could this day turn out so bad.

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