I Don't Know what To Name This Chapter

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Gray opened his eyes and groaned, who the hell could be calling him so early in the morning?!

He grabbed his phone and didn't bother to look who it was, "What the heck is your problem? It's seven-thirty!"

"Correction, it's seven-thirty-two," He heard Lucy's voice, "Anyway, I heard about you and Juvia."

"Oh," Gray rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Yeah, we both got into a fight. A very big fight."

"I know that," Lucy sighed, "Don't wear something bright. Wear something dark, if possible, wear black."

"I can't," he replied.

"Why not?"

"I need to wear my uniform."

"You never pay attention in class, do you?" Lucy yelled, "It's Friday!"

"So?" He asked while rubbing his ears, "We always- Oh... Ooooh! Yeah."

"Okay, bye," Lucy said.



"Oh mon Dieu!" Aldea cried, "Why are you all wearing black clothing!"

"Urusai!" Lucy glared at her, "Gosh, you're so annoying!"

"What the hell is 'Urusai'?" Aldea laughed, "Is that even a word?"

"Lucy's one fourth Japanese, so sometimes she speaks some Japanese word," Natsu explained. Lucy smiled evilly at her.

"What the **** is wrong with you people?!" Juvia yelled.

"Ugh," Aldea wrinkled her nose, "A girl shouldn't say bad words."

"Oh shut up, I'm pretty sure you're nastier than me, after all, you're a French dog," Juvia smiled evilly like Lucy.

"There's nothing wrong with us," Wendy said, "We're wearing black clothing, 'cause you're on despair."

"Why dark clothing?" Juvia asked disgustingly.

"Well..." Lucy trailed off as she looked at Juvia. She's wearing a yellow and light blue stripe shirt, light green pants and white converse, "What in the world happened to you? You look like a clown!"

"No, no," Erza smiled looking at Juvia while stroking her imaginary beard, "I like your clothes today. It's representing happiness!"

Juvia smiled, "Thank you."

"Why are you happy when you just got in a fight with Gray?" Gajeel asked.

Aldea couldn't smile any bigger, she gasped, "Oh mon Dieu! Does that mean we can finally start dating, Gray?"

"Shut up you hag!" Lucy dragged her outside the student room. She then locked the door and said, "Now, we shall get to our business. What did you mean by HAPPY?!"

"I'm a happy person," Juvia shrugged.

"No you are certainly not a happy person," Lucy shook her head, "Does that mean you two are over?"

"Over?" Juvia laughed, "What are you talking about? It was just a little misunderstanding. But what you're all wearing right now, what is with you people?"

"Then make it up with a kiss," Lucy smiled widely.

The two of them blushed. Really hard.

"Go on, don't be shy," Erza said.

"Kiss," Romeo said.

"Hurry up," Natsu and Wendy said.

"So that we can get this over with," Gajeel said.

They didn't move.

"Hurry up, we're waiting," Lucy said, but they didn't move a muscle, "Why are you two not doing anything?"

"What is the big deal? It's just a kiss, it's not like you're not dating!" Erza laughed.

"And it's not like you've never kissed before!" Gajeel added.

They blushed even more.

"Don't tell me..." Lucy laughed, "You two never kissed before?"

Now their faces are like tomatoes.

"Yet you're the ones who've been the one to start dating before us!" Wendy laughed.

"What do you mean by 'before us'?" Lucy looked at Wendy suspiciously.

Wendy stopped laughing and turned red, so did Romeo, she then said, "Nothing. I just made a mistake. That's all."

"Huh?" Natsu looked at Romeo. His face was an inch close to Romeo, "Are you two dating?"

"No!" They both shouted.

"Ooh," Juvia said, turning back to normal colour now, "Romeo and Juliet sitting on a tree-"

"My name is Wendy!" She yelled.

"Oh, you really want me to say 'Romeo and Wendy sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-"

"Don't change the topic!"

Erza smiled, "I guess, everything's alright now," she said.

"Of course," Natsu grinned, "We're Fairy Tale after all."

They all smiled at each other.

"Sooo..." Juvia smirked, she looked at Romeo and Wendy, "Are you two dating?"

"No!" They yelled in unison.


I think I'm going to finish the story with two to three more chapters. So, I hope you enjoy.

And I'm going to write another Gruvia fan fic.

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