Never Fear, Lyon is Here!

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~Time Skip: One Year later~

The band have been very busy and never had the time to visit Juvia, that is except for Gajeel and Levy of course.

Being famous singers, they have practises, concerts, tours and they have to deal with their fans, they can't have time.


Lyon Vastia always volunteer on the hospital: Helping old people, helping them to eat and of course not just for old people but for all the sick people. He had always thought that Juvia's very familiar. And pretty too.

And he thought talking to her would make her feel better though she can't really talk back. One day when she entered her room, he saw her sitting and staring at him.

His eyes widened.

"Juvia Lockser?" He asked.

"Yo," she replied, "Sup, Lyon?"

"Uh," he said, "I should call the doctors now." Then he ran off.

Soon, after the doctors were gone, Juvia's family arrived. While they laughed, cried and talked, Lyon sat awkwardly on the side.

"I would really hate to say this, but... Your mother and I has a business meeting," her father Julius said apologetically. "I'm really sorry..."

"Oh dad, what are you talking about? It's fine," she smiled.

Her parents smiled weakly, then her mother spoke, "I'm really lucky to have an understanding daughter like you."

"Jasper will be coming maybe next week, he went to Korea for some business trip, Her dad replied. Her parents hugged and kissed her on the cheek. "We'll see you tomorrow, we promise. Okay?"

"Dad, don't make promises you can't make," she said while smiling. "You're busy, I don't want to be a bother."

"Okay." Then they left Lyon and Juvia in the room.

"Uh, hi, my name's-"

"Lyon Vastia," Juvia smiled at him, "I've met you before..."

"Really? Where?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, "But I always hear your voice talking. I don't know, this may sound so stupid but I think I know stuff about you."

Lyon laughed, "Huh, like what?"

"You accidentally yelled 'My monsters' have been released!' in the middle of the test because you were sleeping," she said. "I don't know where I got that."

Lyon turned red, "I told you that while you when you were still in a coma."

Juvia laughed, "So. Are you a doctor?"

"No, I just like volunteering here," he replied. "You know, help sick people eat or get dressed or-"

"Oh, you must've seen lots of..." Juvia laughed as Lyon's face went red for the second time.

"I only help men get dressed," he defended himself.

"You look silly in that," Juvia smiled at him creepily.

"I need to wear this if I want to stay here," Lyon snapped.

"Oooh, Lyon wants to stay with Juvia," she said dreamily, "My, my..."

"Ugh! Hey, don't you have some friends that you want to call?" Lyon asked.

"Um, I can't remember their numbers, but do you know Gajeel Redfox or Levy McGarden?" She asked.

Lyon's eyes widened, "Of course! Who wouldn't? They're the most famous band in the whole world!"

"Really?" Juvia asked.

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