NaLu And GaLe

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(It's going to be long since it's the SECOND last chapter and I want each couple to have their spot light.. I hope you enjoy.)


After the bear hug, Juvia gave them all a death glares, especially Gray. They all smiled nervously. She sighed, "Man, you're seriously trying to kill me."

"We thought you were dead!" Romeo said. "And who sleep with your cover up your face?"

She sighed again, "The doctor said I need to sleep. I'm going to-"

The door slammed open revealing Lyon and Jasper. They were both panting. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need to stay in the hospital again?" Juvia almost drowned because of Jasper's questions.

"Gods. Quit asking questions, I'm fine. I'm not hurt and no, I don't need to stay here," Juvia said. "I'm going to sleep."

They went outside and saw Juvia's parents talking to the doctor. The aura seems so... dark. As they neared them they heard the doctor.

"As much as I hate to say this... but she doesn't have much time..." The doctor trailed off.


After two day of being in the hospital Juvia finally got out of the hospital. Gray always visits her and he kept shooing Lyon whenever he visit.

They were sitting in the student room, Juvia was on her phone texting Lyon. Gray glared at her and grabbed her phone.

"Hey!" Juvia snapped.

"Stop texting him! You have your boyfriend here for Hades' sake!" Gray snapped back.

"We always talk," Juvia said.

"Well you always text him!" Gray cried.

"He's my best friend, it's normal. Besides, we barely talk!" Juvia cried back.

"Barely talk? He always visit you!"

"But you always shoo him!" Juvia yelled. "Why don't you just admit that you're jealous?"

"I am not jealous!" He snapped.

She scoffed, "Why don't you talk to Inferna?"

"We broke up," he snapped.

"Jealous," Juvia said.

His face turned red. "You're totally jea-"

"Am not." Juvia rolled her eyes and started talking to the girls.


After Lucy got in Natsu's car and he started driving. Lucy noticed that Natsu turned right when it's supposed to be straight. "Um, Natsu? This isn't the way to my house."

"I know that," Natsu replied. "I'm taking you somewhere special."

"Is it like a park or something?" Lucy asked, Natsu shook his head. "Then where?"

"My house." Natsu replied. Lucy started thinking of really nasty scenarios. Really nasty. As in: Capital N-A-S-T-Y.

"Natsu! I am not ready!"

"To meet my parents?" Natsu asked. Lucy blushed. "What?'


"You've introduced me to your parents. I want you to meet my mine," Natsu said. Lucy looked worried, "They'll like you."

"How do you know?" Lucy snapped.

"'Cause I like you. They like what I like. We're here."

'Duh, I noticed that,' Lucy said in her mind.

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