I Dont Know If I Can

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~Mitch's POV~

I've been feeling like shit the entire night, but I wasn't sure why.

I knew Seto and Brice were moving out to get away from the government.

Three months.

"It's been three months sense that living hell."

I saw the sun starting to raise over head.

After that hell us six haven't trusted the government.

"Mitch?" I looked over at Jerome who was finally waking up.

"Yes Jerome?"

"Jason's back, and I don't think he's here to help us."

'So I was right that was Jason.'

I nodded and went to the kitchen.

"You hungry?"

"Ya." Jerome sighed.

I could tell he was thinking really hard about something.

"Jerome do you forgive me for lying to you?"

Jerome didn't seem to like me interrupting his thoughts.

"Sure Mitch."

I just got some cereal, two bowls, and milk.

I gave Jerome his cereal and walked back into the kitchen.

'Does Jerome really forgive me? Does he really love me? Will he trust me?'

"Mitch" my thoughts were interrupted. "Let's just go where the wind take us."

'I guess he's not over it yet. Then again neither of us are."

We all lied to each other creating a fake identity.

It's like our true selfs are complete strangers to each other.

Some of us still have secrets.

Brice I know I hiding something.

He and set can't just have a perfect relationship.

I bet Jerome's hiding something as well.

"Mitch you okay?" I looked up at Jerome.

"Uh ya. Why?"

"You haven't eaten anything."

"Oh umm not hungry."

Jerome sat down across from me and looked me in the eye.

"Mitch you can tell me anything."

To be honest I still had a lot to tell him.

But I can't be sure anymore he still hasn't told me anything.

"I know. Do you have anything on your mind?"

Jerome went deep into thought after the question.


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