Project 15, Project 16

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~Dylan's POV~

I glitched down the hall way proud of what I had done to that brat.

'Calling himself a master a magic. Such bullshit.'

"Project 15? Why aren't you in the testing zone?" One of the scientists walked up to me looking me dead in the eye.

"I. Uh. Project 44's back!" I blurted out.

The scientist's cd expression instantly changed after hearing the news.

"He has? Where is he?" Excitement in his voice.

'I hate project 44.'

"Room 2043." I said pointing down the hall to where I killed him.

"I can't wait to see Mitch again. Wait till the other hear about his arrival." The scientist dashed off in search for the room.

I smirked wanting to see his face when he sees project 44.

"What did you do?" I looked forward and was met eye to eye with my twin sister.

"Nothing." I hissed, unhappy but not surprised to see her.

"Dylan, I thought-"

"You thought a lot of things. Well guess what you're not a glitch!" I growled.

I started glitching from my short temper.

"You are project 15. Nothing more nothing less." She crossed her arms over her chests, starting to get pissed as well.

"And you are project 16 no more no less."

We had a staring contest for a while.

Are hatred contest was interrupted by two voices getting close.

After giving each other one last glare we made for our cells.

"Damn. You turned down helping your brother for that?"

"Yes. And I feel awful."

"You suck at lying. What's the real reason you didn't want to help."

"Because. Well. He'll take my new powers."

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