Porject 25

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~Bodil's POV~

Though I was happy I won it didn't shake the fact he was gone.

Watching all those people Sky had made me miss him even more.

'I just wanted to troll him, I didn't think it would go wrong. I didn't think he'd die.'

I managed to sneak out of the parkour room through a hidden door.

"Parkour won't work for ever." I heard Jason say as he walked in.

I tried my best to laugh it off even though I knew exactly what he meant.

"Didn't you say you could bring him back?" I said with a hopeful smile.

"I can but he won't be that same. I think it's better you move on."

I shook my head.

'No one's rage can make me laugh as hard as his.'

"Is that the only reason you love him?"

"No!" I snapped back. "His voice, his looks, his-"

"Must be nice." Jason interrupted.

I could see the forever alone face where is head was and burst out laughing.

"What ever loved boy! Go chase down your crush!" I giggled.

I could tell he was rolling his eyes, and he left.

When I was sure he was gone I ran over to my secret compartment I kept in the room.

Quickly typing in the password the compartment opened.

I looked inside and saw Simon's watermelon like hat and all our dumb knots we wrote to each other.

We would always right thing we thought about each other by then end of the day and keep them in a box.

I still wrote the notes to Simon hoping to see some from him bit they never came.

I got a sticky note and quickly jotted down how much he means to me and stuck it in the box.

'Its been almost a year and I still haven't read any of his.'

My mind tempted me.

I shook me head and closed the compartment.

"Simon, if you're here listening. I wanted to say I'm sorry! Sorry for ever hurting you! Or even thinking of that stupid prank. It's just. I never got to say good bye." I cried to myself.

"Bodil?" A voice said behind me.

"Simon?" I spun around quickly to be met with a little girl.

'Project 25. This girl who helped me, 'troll' Simon.'

"Why were you crying?" She always looked to me as a fatherly figure and I always looked at her like a daughter.

Her purple eyes filled with curiosity.

"Oh nothing." I said wiping my tears.

"Will you tell me why big brother didn't come out of the fire?" She questioned.

She's always wanted a family. So I guess I was the dad and Simon was the brother.

I patted her head and gave her the best smile I could.

Though it was no use. I had to be careful what I thought around her.

Her powers consisted of mind reading and time traveling.

"He's just playing hide and seek." I said.

"But he's been gone for almost a year." She quizzed me. "And that the first time you said his name in a long long time."

"Daddy will tell you when you turn 7 next year okay?"

"Pinky promise!" She held up her small hand pointing her pinky finger at me.

I linked our finger and we shook our hands.

"Promise. You need to take a bath young lady then get to your room." I said checking her raven hair for bugs.

"Will you tell me a story?" She begged.

"Okay but be quick to your room, you don't want the doors to close with out you again."

She smiled and ran off.

'Simon, she really misses you. And I don't think I can break the news to her.' My thoughts lingered on ways I could tell her.

I don't know what but something was telling me to look in the box.

I slowly walked to the compartment and opened it.

Outside of the box was a green sticky note.

It was in Simons hand writing.

'Emma told me you have a surprise for me. <3'

(Oh my god! Who likes Emma?! I kind of just made her up as I went. So haha! I know most people like when people vote or follow. Nah! I want them comments! A got would be nice too XD. Wow I sound like a bitch! Hope you enjoyed!!)

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