Just One More

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~Seto's POV~

I was dragged into a cell while Brice was dragged into a torture chamber.

"Seto?!? Why are you here I thought you ran away!" I looked over at Sky who was at the door of his cell.

"I didn't think they'd find us that easily."

"What are they planning on doing to us?" Ty spoke up.

"I don't think any of us knows." I sighed.

I went to the back of the cell and curled into a ball.

After a few minutes Brice's screams filled the air.

"Brice!" I screamed and rammed into the cell door.

"Seto! Stop you're going to hurt yourself!" Ty yelled.

"No! Don't touch him! Let me out!" I kept screaming.

I felt the power surging through my veins.

The red light shown from the ground.

The beam aimed at the door melting it instantly.

Done. Nothing else happened. I didn't go on a rampage and try killing everyone.


"Seto. Your powers! They're under control!!" Sky cheered.

I smiled.

My moment was rudely interrupted when I heard a Canadian yelling.

"Get off of me! You fucking ass hole! I just got my heart broken leave me to fucking sulk!!"

"Get him in a cell."

I quickly dashed in the other direction hearing the footsteps get louder.

"Mitch stop crying and fight damnit!" I heard sky yell as I ran.

"Leave me alone." Mitch sobbed.

I didn't hear anything else after that.

'Im coming Brice just don't die on me!'

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