Poject 93

534 18 3

~Jerome's POV~

Ty came running up to us and stopped to catch his breathe.

"They" gasp "got s" gasp "Sky!"

Ali and Brice looked away from each other with their arms crossed.

I sighed and looked at Ty.

"What happened?" I asked trying to ignore the bickering going on between Brice and Ali.

"I don't know. Mitch! He attacked us and took Sky some where." He huffed out.

'Mitch? Why would he do something like that though."

"Guys! Shut up!" I turned glaring at the two of them.

You could feel the tension in the air.

"You shut up!" Their glares moved to me.

I turned around and just tried to ignore them.

"Why do you think he'd do something like that?" I had to yell so Ty would hear me over the two practically screaming at each other.

He shrugged and kept glancing at Brice and Ali.

"Do you think they're gonna stop?" He yelled.

I shook my head and we just listened to what they had to say about each other.

"Suck a dick you faggot!" Ali screamed in rage.

"After you whore!"

Their faces were red with rage.

Ty and I ended up holding them back, so they wouldn't hurt themselves.

"What is going on here?" I heard a voice call.

'Hmm maybe it's that guy we saw. I just couldn't remember his name.'

"I asked a question! How did you get out of your cells?!"

No it wasn't any voice I have heard.

"Project 93?! How? I thought- but."

"Oops! Gotta go!" Ali cheered and raced down the hall at super human speed.

'Project 93?'

Where Fate Lays (Setosolace fanfic Pt2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang