Staying Strong

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~Bodil's POV~

Emma managed to find out Simon was dead but she refused to tell me how.

It took almost a half an hour to get her to fall asleep and when she did the doors were closed.

I spent another hour waiting for another scientist to come and get me.

I walked into my parkour too. And into the secret door with my small apartment like structure.

I still had everything set up like Simon still lived with me.


I was the one to buy food for all the projects and other scientists for the week, I was pretty happy to get that part.

First time outside in months.

As I was at the check out I saw a gang of boys seeming to be picking on another boy.

I quickly have the cashier the money and walked out to see what was going on.

"Hey! What are kids doing?" I yelled.

Once they saw that I was an authority figure they quickly hid their faces and ran off.

"Uh thanks." A voice said.

I looked down to see a boy with brown hair and jet black eyes.

I smiled at him and helped him up.

"No problem kid." I said trying to act co.

"So what's your name?" He asked getting up.

I knew it was wrong for me to be falling for someone most likely years younger than me but I couldn't help it.

"Bodil." I answered with a stupid smile, "yours?"

"Simon." He said.

We started walking to my car laughing at how much we had in common.

"So why were those guy picking on you?" I asked as I started loading the groceries into the car.

"Oh. Well. I may or may not be gay?" He said more like a question than an answer.

-flashback end-

If only I didn't help him out at the store he'd still be alive.

I payed down on my side of the bed and looked at the picture on the night stand.

It was a picture of Simon and I on our first date, where I won the hat for him that he always wore.

The other scientists don't aloe me to get the groceries any more which I'm thankful for.

If I ever go back to that place it'll all just come back to me.

"Hey Simon. Do you remember when we first met? I also remember when I first intro ducked you to project 25. When you spent all day together and you even found a name for her. Emma. She's our little girl. I'll stay strong for her. For you. For us." I felt my eye lids getting heavy and I soon fell asleep.

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