Why Are We Here?!

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~Seto's POV~

The last thing I remember was being hooked up to a weird machine.
I would have done something it's just, I haven't been so tired sense that living hell.


I was in a police car we were going into some type of forest.
We came to a stop in a clearing of some kind.
I watched out the window where police cars were surrounding.
There was a boy hunched over another boy.
It took some time for me to notice it was Jerome and Mitch.

"We found the murder!" One of the cops said.
Jerome turned around he had the most terrifying smile on his face.
He had a knife in his hand.
He looked like a monster of some kind.

"Jerome! What are you doing?!" I tried to get the door open but it wouldn't budge.
Jerome picked up Mitch limp body and held him like he saw just asleep.

"You're not coming near my biggums!" He yelled hugging Mitch's lifeless body.

"We don't want to hurt you! Just hand over the corpse." One of the police men said.
Jerome ran in the other direction of the clearing.
He held Mitch's body.

"I won't let them hurt you Mitch." Was all I heard Jerome say.
'Why would Jerome hurt the one he loves?'
It didn't make sense.
'Jerome does love Mitch right?'

(Dream end)

My eyes shot open.
The dream felt so real.
It's like it actually happened.
I looked around but when I moved my head it would hurt.
I heard sobbing next to me.
Mitch was hooked up to a machine much like the one I was hooked to.

"It hurts! I wanna go home!" Mitch whined.

"Mitch?! Why are we here?!"
Mitch didn't answer he just kept sobbing.
I looked at Mitch and noticed his eyes were closed.

"Jerome?! Why would you do this?! I thought you love me!" He cried.

"Mitch! Wake up!"

"Mi-" I was cut off by a shock wave surging through my system.
Mitch must have felt it also his eyes opened instantly.
Neither of us could move though.
'I thought it was all over!'

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