You Came Out

469 24 21

~Bodil's POV~

(Okay! This thing is gonna be long as shit so I'm gonna have to end it here and make a third or something. Cause if it's to long it's unappealing.)

I his in one of the empty cells of a dead project.

I stood in there looking out of the now locked door.

'This is crazy. No mere wizard could ever have that much power.'

I wanted out, I didn't care if I was on the streets again. I wanted no part of this damn experiment.

The exit was just down the hall I just need to wait.

-time skip-

All the lights in the lab were turned off except the emergency ones.

I slid open the door and dashed to the exit.

I saw it.

The green exit sign glow in the dark lab.

It's been so long sense I went outside or even came near this sign.

I quickly swiped my key card and opened the door.

It was beautiful.


It was the night Simon died.

The night of a full moon July 17th.

Impossible to forget.

"Bodil. You finally came out." A familiar Bulgarian accent said to my right.

Where Fate Lays (Setosolace fanfic Pt2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant