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~Mitch's POV~

(Only now I realize Brice is the only blond character. I'm gonna have to fix thatXD)

I refused to go into the light and shockingly the light refused to come to me.

The white light slowly faded and I was in complete darkness.

After a few minutes the blackness cleared like fog.

"I hope you know what you're doing." A voice whispered before I could see again.

I looked around and saw Jerome crying, over my dead body.

"Mitch! Wake up! Please! I'm here for you biggums! Let me see your smile, your beautiful eyes. Come back to me Mitch!" Jerome cried.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, he tensed up looking behind him.

"I'm right here Jerome." I said looking into his tear filled eyes.

He couldn't hear me.

He turned back to my corpse and started crying again.

I couldn't watch I didn't want to see Jerome so upset.

I walked out of the room to find Sky, Brice, and Seto.

When I tried to walk to them I got a pain in where my heart was.

I hear Jerome grunt to he must have felt it.

'Are we connected? Is that what that voice meant?!'

I started to panic and ran back to Jerome and hugged him.

He tensed up again and started to shake.

"Go away!" He whisper yelled.

"Jerome! It's me Mitch!" I said knowing he couldn't hear me.

I let go of him watching him cry over my body.

"Who the hell are you?!" A voice called from the other end of the hall.

I poked my head out of the door way making sure not to go to far.

My eyes narrowed as I saw project 15 glaring at Seto, Sky, and Brice.

He started to glitch when out of anger and confusion.

Brice got up stepping forward.

"Come at me, I dare you." Project 15 said, using his powers.

He was able to regenerate health at rapid speeds and levitate beings and objects.

He was also unstable giving him the ability to glitch or as he calls it teleportation.

"I'll show you I'm not useless." Seto said under his breathe.

He looked project 15 dead in the eye.

"Let's see how one of you science experiments do one a real master of magic!"

(Dun dun duuuuuuuhh. Hope you liked it! Here's a little background stuff about me. For those of you who don't make books or stories or ffs. This account actually started out as a thing where I can comment and stuff. But I wanted to make something that people like you would enjoy. Thus now I have created a books and I have an amazing amount of reads! So thank you for following voting and commenting, well if you do that. Hope you enjoyed!!)

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