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There was complete silence in the room. Jungkook was pulled to Yoongi's side immediately, moving him out of the way. Hoseok's eye changed to their emerald color and his canine's sticking out, giving a low growl as a warning.

Namjoon chuckled, "Alright then, let's dance."

Things were still, and silent, and no one moved a muscle. Namjoon's eyes began to glow a terrifyingly white and smokey grey color, his canines popping out as he smiled mischievously at Hoseok. In one swift movement, Namjoon and Hoseok were fighting, Yoongi pushing Jungkook into the kitchen area as he went to move to help Namjoon. Jimin ran over to Jungkook who was holding his arm after slamming into the stove handle. He then heard the sound of his brother's growl, and turned to see him with his hands held behind his back by Yoongi.

"Who are you to fight me!? I am not here to toy around with you! I came here to take my brother back home with me, no matter what you do or what you say, he is coming back with me, and you..." Namjoon said grabbing Hoseok's collar and pulling him up. "You will never see him again," Namjoon said, walking away from Hoseok and stopped, looking at Jimin as he clutched Jungkook. "Actually, I'm going to need you," he said, grabbing the Omega by his arm, and pulling him out of the kitchen and off Jungkook.

"NO! Namjoon, no, please, leave him alone!" Hoseok shouted, as he was forced to his knees by Yoongi who stood behind him. "What use is he going to be to you!?"

"He will be plenty useful. He will be your lesson. How to feel when you know your brother is where he doesn't belong," Namjoon said as he started dragging Jimin out of the apartment.

"NO! I won't let you! Put him down!" Hoseok shouted as he fought against Yoongi's grasp.

Namjoon ushered Taehyung out, though the boy couldn't take his eyes off of Hoseok, bright red blood leaking from the corner of his mouth and a cut beneath his eye, Taehyung couldn't hold back his tears as he was being ripped away from his love. Yoongi motioned for Jungkook to follow, which the boy did reluctantly, yet quickly. Namjoon turned around, Jimin's arm still in his tight grasp.

"Say goodbye," he taunted as Jimin reached out, jumping for his brother who was quickly knocked out by Yoongi.

"NO!" Jimin wailed as he saw his brother's unconscious body lie on their living room floor.

The black haired male stepped out first and in front of the two Omegas outside. Jimin had cried so hard at his brother's passed out form, he ended up unconscious, going limp in Namjoon's grip. The Alpha picked up the boy and slung him over his shoulder. Nothing more was said as the group now moved down the stairs to the two vehicles outside. Namjoon putting Jimin in the back of his car as Taehyung sat in the back with him, keeping his head placed in his lap. Yoongi opened the passenger door for Jungkook.

"You two... you two have caused a lot of troubles today," Yoongi said as he closed the door behind Jungkook.

The ride was silent, Namjoon continued to look back at Taehyung who was stroking Jimin's soft blond locks. There were tears that fell on his face and he tapped them away. He thought about Hoseok, how he looked so defeated, how he tried to defend the young Omega from the one person who should have supported his love, or at least let him be free to be with his love. Taehyung cried for Jimin as well, who was now in the back of this car, on his way to a new place, much further than any place he'd probably like to be.

The car came to a stop and Namjoon got out after turning off the car. He opened the back door so Taehyung can get out first, then he slung Jimin over his shoulder once again. He turned to see Yoongi and Jungkook behind them, tears down his face as well as, where as Yoongi's facial features remained unchanged, stoic and devoid of emotions. Yoongi nodded at Namjoon and the group continued into the house.

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